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Ilyad v1.4 by Alcatraz (update from v1.3 to v1.4)
Configuration required : AGA chipset
4MB of Fast-Ram
(If you have a 68030 or better, the demo will be a bit improved).
Install Ilyad on your HD to get full speed.
Press left mouse button during the first part to skip the intro.
Contact us at:
Hornet: Alain Malek
Bonne-Esperance 1
1006 Lausanne
(email: amalek@di.epfl.ch)
Just copy the file Ilyad to the disk 1. (You must have Ilyad v1.3 to update
the demo to v1.4 !)
- v1.3:
fixed for 4000/40
lots of error messages added
uses less chip memory (can be launched from workbench)
works from DoublePAL workbench.
some parts, improved
All disks have changed !
- v1.4:
No more random reset with a Microbotics accelerator.
(It seems that this board generates level7 interrupts at random time !)
I tried to remove the crash after the 'worm ring' part on a stock A1200 with
4MB of fast. (I couldn't actually try it ... )
Running the demo from the Shell with the parameter -f will force the demo
in its 68030+ mode. ( example: Ilyad -f )
Contents of demo/aga/ilyadfix.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 9312 36688 25.4% -lh5- 2466 Dec 18 1994 Ilyad
[generic] 672 1170 57.4% -lh5- 5e12 Dec 19 1994 IlyadFix.Readme
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 2 files 9984 37858 26.4% Dec 21 1994
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