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Short:Icing 1999 winnerdemo by Loonies
Author:Loonies (
Uploader:psycho loonies dk
Version:1.06 (transitions and some cgx p
Requires:AGA or CGX, 6 MB fast.
Download:demo/aga/Valhalla.lha - View contents

   |   +--+  +--+---+   +--+   +--+ +--+---+   +--+   +--+   +---+
   |   \   \ |  |    \  |  |   |  |_|  |    \  |  |   |  |   |    \
   |    \   \|  |     \ |  | /--+  _   |     \ |  | /--+ | /--+    \     |
         \      |   _  \|  |/   | | |  |   _  \|  |/   | |/   |  _  \    |
          \_____|___|___\_______|_| |__|_la|ka_\_______|______|__|___\   |




                            Winner at Icing 1999


                       AGA or CyberGraphX / Picasso96
                           020+ (060 recommended)
                                6mb fastram



                Psycho      Main code, 3D engine

                Blueberry   Bumpmappet tunnel, 3D renders, c2p

                Booster     Volumelight, water, fire


                Laika       3D modelling, textures

                Gafkhan     Dolmen, well, Thor, tree, fonts, textures

                Bifrost     Other fullscreens, texture- voxel- and bumpmaps


                Tarmslyng   1st and 3rd part

                Booster     2nd and 4th part



Valhalla is a thematic demo concerning nordic mythology. Due to this basic
design idea, everything in the demo has some form of relation to myths and
legends of old.

The demo takes its beginning in Midgaard, where the humans live. A
thunderstorm is on its way - and in those days, people believed that this was
created by Thor - the god of thunder. He did this with his magical hammer
Mjolner, whilst he also had other magical objects such as a belt of strength.
In his possession was also a wagon, pulled by two goats that were able to fly
- and who were also able to come back to life after being killed, so long as
Thor had all of their bones. When he threw Mjolner over their dead hides and
bones, magically, life would be restored, and the powerful goats would rise
again. In the first part of the demo, Thor mistakes a human peasant for a
dweller of Udgaard - the realm of evil - and kills him with a throw of
Mjolner.  Finishing off part one is an image of Bifrost made by the graphics
artist using the very same name. Bifrost is another name for the rainbow,
which had been built at the dawn of time. Bifrost connects Asgaard with
Midgaard - the realm of gods with the realm of humans - one end being fixed to
a guard tower in Asgaard, where Heimdal lived, while the other end was always
changing places, which made it hard to find. Heimdal was the god who had the
best sight and hearing - he could hear the grass grow, and see a hundred miles

Part two of the demo takes place in Asgaard. Returning from one of their
scouting tours of the world are Hugin and Munin, Odin's two ravens who brought
him news. Odin was king of the gods, as well as the god of wisdom. He had only
one eye, the missing one having been voluntarily deposited in the well of
wisdom, which is also depicted in this part of the demo. This allowed him to
know everything and see everything. Odin lived in Valhalla, which was where
slain warriors  were brought, when they had died valiantly in battle. If so,
they  were fetched by Valkyries on winged horses, to become part of the army 
that would assist the gods when Armageddon - the final, ultimate battle
between good and evil - comes. As depicted, Odin was fond of playing  chess,
which he did with the animated bodiless head, Mimer, who was kept alive by
magic. Mimer was once the guardian of the well of wisdom. When Odin came to
the well, he was allowed to drink from it by Mimer for the price of his eye.
Odin drank all of the water in the well - and for this act of greed, Mimer
attacked him. Odin won the ensuing fight, chopped off Mimer's head, and
brought it with him to Valhalla. 
Near the end of part two, you see the mighty Yggdrasil - the tree of life.
Inside this tree lived the three norns, who weaved the destinies of humans on
their looms. In the form of strings, these hung from the ceiling - the longer
a string was, the longer a lifespan did the human to whom it belonged, have.
The more cluttered a string was, the harder a destiny faced him...

The third and last part of the demo takes place in Udgaard, where evil
resides. Hence this part is filled with vicious thing such as fire, caves and
axes. This part also includes a bump-scroller for greetings, written in actual
runes (so in order to know if you're greeted, you'd better go off to the
library) There are no references to particular individuals in Udgaard,
although a figure such as Udgaardsloke was quite well-known and a powerful
adversary to the gods. 

                    A word from Tarmslyng about the music:
1st module: Is an remix of an theme made by "Lex og Klatten", a Danish
commedy program. The original modul was made in OctaMED 4, and was later
converted to protracker, thereby losing a lot of sound and music code. The
sample credits must go to Emo for the nice BD, Versuri/Da jormas for the
bongo drums, Juice/phd for the lovely synth sounds and finally of course
Substance/Mono for the strings and synth sounds.

3rd module: This is also a kind of a remix (sorry about that), of an to
me unknown hardstep song taped from the local radiostation Jungle FM
(Christiania radio) in Copenhagen. This module was orginaly also made in
OctaMED 4, and later converted. Most of the samples was sampled by
Tarmslyng, with eception of the synth blips by Roz and the bass by Substance.


Contents of demo/aga/Valhalla.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                   87     628  13.9% -lh5- f7f4 May  3  1999 Valhalla/3D/outline/hus.pmo
[generic]                  309     820  37.7% -lh5- c849 Apr  4  1999 Valhalla/3D/outline/hus.po
[generic]                  854    7116  12.0% -lh5- 76b8 May 10  1999 Valhalla/3D/outline/kranium+ravn.pan
[generic]                   78     348  22.4% -lh5- e04b May  3  1999 Valhalla/3D/outline/kranium+ravn.pmo
[generic]                 1779    4144  42.9% -lh5- d71f May  9  1999 Valhalla/3D/outline/kranium+ravn.po
[generic]                  271     796  34.0% -lh5- aab7 May 10  1999 Valhalla/3D/outline/mand.pmo
[generic]                 2570    6644  38.7% -lh5- f8da May 17  1999 Valhalla/readme.txt
[generic]                10294   14152  72.7% -lh5- 9b06 May 11  1999 Valhalla/sfx/endmod.tp3
[generic]               325384  525198  62.0% -lh5- 98b2 May 11  1999 Valhalla/sfx/guld.TP3
[generic]               392690  455042  86.3% -lh5- 9be2 Mar 29  1999 Valhalla/sfx/HundISnor.TP3
[generic]                71822  133898  53.6% -lh5- 16ce May 14  1999 Valhalla/sfx/Odin.TP3
[generic]                41973   84552  49.6% -lh5- 7925 May 20  1999 Valhalla/Valhalla.cgx
[generic]                40757   82108  49.6% -lh5- db6f May 20  1999 Valhalla/Valhalla.exe
[generic]                43043   86212  49.9% -lh5- 3c4e May 26  1999 Valhalla/Valhalla.nofpu
[generic]                12167   12820  94.9% -lh5- 4b8f May 12  1999 Valhalla/3D/outline/
[generic]                  626    1580  39.6% -lh5- a2b0 May 12  1999 Valhalla/3D/outline/camera.pmo
[generic]                   54     124  43.5% -lh5- be9e May 10  1999 Valhalla/3D/outline/dysse.pmo
[generic]                 1996    4340  46.0% -lh5- eb0f Nov  1  1980 Valhalla/3D/outline/dysse.po
[generic]                  290     684  42.4% -lh5- a92b May 11  1999 Valhalla/3D/outline/hammer.pmo
[generic]                 1795    4448  40.4% -lh5- 7ee9 Nov  1  1980 Valhalla/3D/outline/hammer.po
[generic]                 9338   61068  15.3% -lh5- a9d7 May 15  1999 Valhalla/3D/outline/mand.pan
[generic]                 2233    5208  42.9% -lh5- dd18 May 10  1999 Valhalla/3D/outline/mand.po
[generic]                  750     768  97.7% -lh5- 8cf4 Apr  4  1999 Valhalla/3D/outline/palette.rgb
[generic]                14668   58284  25.2% -lh5- 7ddb May 10  1999 Valhalla/3D/outline/thor.pan
[generic]                  203     572  35.5% -lh5- 6fb7 May  3  1999 Valhalla/3D/outline/Thor.pmo
[generic]                 8970   21312  42.1% -lh5- dd35 Apr  4  1999 Valhalla/3D/outline/Thor.po
[generic]                 3301    6062  54.5% -lh5- 22bb Apr  3  1999 Valhalla/3D/Skak/valhal.pto
[generic]                 3626    6397  56.7% -lh5- 8bfe Apr  1  1999 Valhalla/3D/outside/Grund.pto
[generic]                  340     908  37.4% -lh5- 836c Apr  2  1999 Valhalla/3D/outside/ravnA.pmo
[generic]                 1155    3445  33.5% -lh5- ceef Apr  1  1999 Valhalla/3D/outside/ravnA.pto
[generic]                  302     796  37.9% -lh5- 9a24 Apr  2  1999 Valhalla/3D/outside/ravnB.pmo
[generic]                49140  249500  19.7% -lh5- fc3a Apr  1  1999 Valhalla/3D/outside/texture.pte
[generic]                 6978   14121  49.4% -lh5- 6c45 May  9  1999 Valhalla/3D/outside/valhal.pto
[generic]                 5096   20844  24.4% -lh5- d0a7 May 12  1999 Valhalla/3D/Skak/anim.pan
[generic]                  244     516  47.3% -lh5- a70c Mar 19  1999 Valhalla/3D/Skak/camera.pmo
[generic]                 2061    4057  50.8% -lh5- a6b9 May 12  1999 Valhalla/3D/Skak/MimerOgBord.pto
[generic]                   36     124  29.0% -lh5- 2c7f May  7  1999 Valhalla/3D/Skak/Odin.pmo
[generic]                 9138   17660  51.7% -lh5- d164 May  9  1999 Valhalla/3D/Skak/odin.pto
[generic]                93572  419012  22.3% -lh5- 0488 May 12  1999 Valhalla/3D/Skak/texture.pte
[generic]                   60     124  48.4% -lh5- 61e0 Feb 20  1999 Valhalla/3D/Skak/valhal.pmo
[generic]                  706    5400  13.1% -lh5- ba61 Mar 28  1999 Valhalla/3D/outside/anim.pan
[generic]                  426     908  46.9% -lh5- fc0d Apr  4  1999 Valhalla/3D/outside/camera.pmo
[generic]                   84     180  46.7% -lh5- 2a54 Mar 27  1999 Valhalla/3D/outside/Grund.pmo
[generic]                 8453   20104  42.0% -lh5- d250 Apr  1  1999 Valhalla/3D/thor/ThorMedVogn.po
[generic]                  410     964  42.5% -lh5- 4c81 May 13  1999 Valhalla/3D/tunnel/camera.pmo
[generic]                  179     452  39.6% -lh5- a557 May 13  1999 Valhalla/3D/tunnel/ende.po
[generic]                18218   66332  27.5% -lh5- d647 May 13  1999 Valhalla/3D/tunnel/greets.pte
[generic]                95888   95888 100.0% -lh0- 68a1 May 10  1999 Valhalla/3D/tunnel/light.dns
[generic]                  402    1020  39.4% -lh5- 9f2e May 13  1999 Valhalla/3D/tunnel/light.pmo
[generic]                22937   66332  34.6% -lh5- de28 May 13  1999 Valhalla/3D/tunnel/texture.pte
[generic]                   39     124  31.5% -lh5- 5d01 Apr 29  1999 Valhalla/3D/tunnel/tunnel.pmo
[generic]                24820   44996  55.2% -lh5- 30e8 May 12  1999 Valhalla/3D/tunnel/tunnel.po
[generic]                  347    1800  19.3% -lh5- abce May 13  1999 Valhalla/3D/tunnel/tunnel.vis
[generic]                  131     908  14.4% -lh5- 7c17 Mar 28  1999 Valhalla/3D/axe/axe.pmo
[generic]                 1276    3092  41.3% -lh5- 8001 Apr  1  1999 Valhalla/3D/axe/axe.po
[generic]                  208     740  28.1% -lh5- 7441 Mar 28  1999 Valhalla/3D/axe/camera.pmo
[generic]                10311   33536  30.7% -lh5- ce77 Apr  1  1999 Valhalla/3D/axe/envmap.chnk
[generic]                36124   36124 100.0% -lh0- 000c May 12  1999 Valhalla/3D/thor/
[generic]                  274     628  43.6% -lh5- 1944 Mar 22  1999 Valhalla/3D/thor/camera.pmo
[generic]                  160     404  39.6% -lh5- 2b68 Mar 16  1999 Valhalla/3D/thor/ThorMedVogn.pmo
[generic]                 1404   64000   2.2% -lh5- a3da Jan 10  1980 Valhalla/gfx/logo.chnk
[generic]                  768     768 100.0% -lh0- 8148 Apr  2  1999 Valhalla/gfx/logopal.chnk
[generic]                 5536    5608  98.7% -lh5- 583c May 12  1999 Valhalla/gfx/
[generic]                28914   65920  43.9% -lh5- bb81 Mar 29  1999 Valhalla/gfx/Map.chnk
[generic]                  278     384  72.4% -lh5- 33d0 Mar 29  1999 Valhalla/gfx/Map1.chnk
[generic]                  284     384  74.0% -lh5- 3ce9 Mar 29  1999 Valhalla/gfx/Map2.chnk
[generic]                55780   55780 100.0% -lh0- b787 May 12  1999 Valhalla/gfx/
[generic]                29743   66304  44.9% -lh5- 476e Apr  3  1999 Valhalla/gfx/YgdrasilV.chnk
[generic]                24918   64768  38.5% -lh5- 9072 May 13  1999 Valhalla/gfx/bifrost.chnk
[generic]                28126   64192  43.8% -lh5- 0650 May 12  1999 Valhalla/gfx/broend.chnk
[generic]                53436   57056  93.7% -lh5- 1cb4 May 12  1999 Valhalla/gfx/
[generic]                87034  230400  37.8% -lh5- 0ded May  1  1999 Valhalla/gfx/Greets.chnk
[generic]                 4929   33152  14.9% -lh5- b8d2 Mar 15  1999 Valhalla/gfx/GreetsLys.chnk
[generic]                10618   10952  97.0% -lh5- 06cf May 12  1999 Valhalla/gfx/
[generic]                13100   13508  97.0% -lh5- dc5b May 12  1999 Valhalla/gfx/
[generic]                30432   64768  47.0% -lh5- 84f6 Apr  4  1999 Valhalla/gfx/jaette.chnk
[generic]                40362   64768  62.3% -lh5- bde7 Apr  4  1999 Valhalla/gfx/OdinOgMimer.chnk
[generic]                 9116   21904  41.6% -lh5- b1d6 Apr 21  1999 Valhalla/gfx/rejefinal.chnk
[generic]                  319   21904   1.5% -lh5- 45a7 Jan 12  1980 Valhalla/gfx/rejemaske2.chnk
[generic]                  681     768  88.7% -lh5- 2eef May 13  1999 Valhalla/gfx/smoke.pal
[generic]                24950   64768  38.5% -lh5- dd25 May 11  1999 Valhalla/gfx/troldejagt.chnk
[generic]                38230   66304  57.7% -lh5- f891 Apr  4  1999 Valhalla/gfx/YgdrasilT.chnk
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        82 files 1870401 3734724  50.1%            Jun  3  1999
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