84782 packages online
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- a demo released at THE PARTY'97 -
- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------>>
- Requirements -
Tested on: a1200-020, a1200-030, a1200-040 and a1200-060
4mb fast and AGA should be enough.
Joystick to find hidden part.
Turn monitor off to increase speed...
- -- ---------------------------------------------------------------->>
Tulou is always searching for talented and good Amiga scene artists
who wants to join a cool group with big friendship.
We are talented and active on the Amiga scene but we need more talented
members for more releases like utils programs, ascii colly's, music
disks and much much more,..
Just write down a mail with some background information about you and
attach your examples of your work with your mail (<= very important).
We will contact you if you are talented enough to fit Tulou.
- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------->>
- Hall of fame 1997 -
Musli Organizer & netcrawler
Altruist Sysop & Ascii
Sauron GFX & Sysop
Joker GFX
Addeman GFX
Barksten Music
Trone Music
Dr.Strangelove Code
Daredevil Code
Todi Code, GFX, Webmaster & Ascii
Temal Music
Spectral Music
- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------->>
- tulou demo & intro releases -
tlu-spn.lha - Spooon (fastintro 2:nd place Remedy '96)
tlu-size.lha - Size (demo 3:rd place Halloween party '96)
tlu-al40k.lha - Almost a 4o kb (demo 3:rd place Hackernight in Skövde '97)
tlu-pdn.lha - Pardone (demo 1:st place Berzan party '97)
tlu-atec.lha - AmiTech Demonstration (demo 1:st place Amitech '97)
tlu-moon.lha - Moonwalker (2:nd at Remedy'97, TBL was third!)
- funny releases -
tlu-tbwt.lha - Take a bath with tulou (demo(?) ? place Remedy '96)
tlu-rock.lha - Hotdog and rock'n'roll (wildcompo 3:rd place Halloween '96)
tlu-fjor.lha - How to kill a pc fjortis (demo 2:nd place
Hackernight in Skövde '97)
- And some mods and pic releases (take look on tulou's web site) -
- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------->>
How to contact us:
BBS: Hyperspace +46-(0)8-7749532
Galaxen +46-(0)8-55085753
WWW: http://www.canit.se/~todi/tulou/index.html
IRC: #AmigaSwe (Musli)
EMAIL: Musli - musli@canit.se
Todi - todi@canit.se
Dr.Strangelove - a96andny@ida.his.se
Joker - petter@passagen.se
Sauron - daniel.hjalm@swipnet.se
Daredevil - m_lindholm@hotmail.com
Altruist - altruist@canit.se
Temal -
Spectral -
- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------->>
Contents of demo/aga/Tlu-Mort.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 171 444 38.5% -lh5- fa01 Jan 1 1980 file_id.diz
[generic] 1693208 3219496 52.6% -lh5- dc1d Dec 28 1997 Tlu-Mortality/Tlu-Mortality.Exe
[generic] 1470 4327 34.0% -lh5- 31ea Jan 1 1980 Tlu-Mortality/Tlu-Mortality.Txt
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 3 files 1694849 3224267 52.6% Jan 5 1998
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