This is a most crapy demo intoducing: 'Spanky Girl...' the lamest member
of E.R.S.98...
This demo has some errors, we are most sorry for this but we had 1 day to
make it and 'Spanky Girl...' was sleeping almost all of the time!!!
We in E.R.S.98 have decided to relise all of our stuff to Aminet. We have
currently made:
Raven, 'Spanky Girl...', Mausoleum, Sorg, Avec, DreadKnock, and a diskmag
called: "The Cracked Regular".
Do not try to contact us at This adress is probably wrong.
Read the spesial edition of "The Cracked Regular" coming soon (Not first ed.)
which will hold info about what hapened and how to contact us.
We sincerly hope this has not given you any problems...