I saw this animation of the earth and my first thought was, god this is far
superior to that crappy animation that comes with IBrowse!
So I have converted the orginal animgif to a IBrowse, Voygaer and AWebII
compatible transfer animation.
It is a spinning earth with the left side of the earth always in shadow,
making it look extremly realistic, as though it was a slow motion camarea
capture from some satellite suspended aove the earth for a 24hr period :-)
The animation is made up of 37 56x60x6 images. 36 for the animation and 1 for
the still image, so many people don't include this and thats why in IBrowse at
least you get the funny jump at the end :-)
I have only provided a 256 colour version (as the original animgif was 256)
if you want it in less colours I'm sure it won't be too hard for you to lower the
resolution of the image yourself :-)
I have only tested it on my 16bit IBrowse screen, so I'm not sure what it looks
like in its current state on lower resolution screens.
01. Copy the file def_TransferAnimation and its icon to your IBrowse/images
01. Copy the file def_TransferAnimation to your Voyager drawer as
02. Copy the file to your Voyager drawer.
AWebII 3:
01. Copy the file def_TransferAnimation to your AWeb3/images drawer as
02. Copy the file to your AWeb3/images drawer.
It's as simple as that:-)
The rest
Now go online enjoy browsing the www with a respectable shadowed earth.