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Short:HTTP/1.0 compliant web server in ARexx
Author:Roger Clark
Uploader:Roger Clark <austxmale66 yahoo com>
Requires:comm/tcp/rxsocket.lha util/rexx/rmh.lha
Download:comm/www/qsilver-ws.lha - View contents

After  evaluating  some  of  the various webservers available and tinkering
with  ARWS  as well, I knew there had to be something better.  I decided it
was   time   to   write   my   own  server  that  takes  advantage  of  the
rxsocket.library  and can run as a stand-alone daemon without needing to be
launched  from identd.  So after a month or so of testing and optimizing, I
am  finally  ready  to  turn my server loose on the Amiga community and the
world at large.

Some  of you may remember the FidoNet file server I wrote a number of years
ago  by  the  same name.  Consider this a new incarnation of the server for
the World Wide Web.


Version 0.8
 + Added: Support for multiple domains and independant directory trees.
 + Added: CGI hit counter script and basic graphics.

Version 0.9
 + Added: Server environmental variables accessable via ARexx CGI scripts.
   QS-Agent       = User agent as reported by the remote browser.
   QS-Referer     = HTML address of the referer page (if any)
   QS-HostAddr    = Local domain/address for the file requested
   QS-FileName    = Complete URL of file requested.
   QS-RemoteAddr  = Hostname (resolved if possible) of the remote system.
   QS-RemoteIP    = IP Address (non-resolved) of the remote system.
 + Added: Inline CGI scripting using ARexx or Python scripts.

Version 1.00
 @ Release:  Officially released the 1.00 version of the script.  Bug
             reports, suggestions and other sample CGI scripts greatly
 * Fixed: Bug in CGI filetype identification would not allow files with
          .CGI extensions to be executed properly.
 + Added: Listings can be created for directories that do not have an
          index.html file.
 + Added: Calendar.cgi script that generates monthly calendars with events.

Contents of comm/www/qsilver-ws.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                   14      14 100.0% -lh0- f3c5 May 30  2004 Quicksilver/Passwords
[generic]                 8246   28939  28.5% -lh5- 8b24 Jan  2 20:34 Quicksilver/Quicksilver.rexx
[generic]                 3665    8932  41.0% -lh5- e632 Jan  2 20:34 Quicksilver/Quicksilver.txt
[generic]                  344     525  65.5% -lh5- 34e6 May 30  2004 Quicksilver/WWW/authenticate.html
[generic]                 2366    6763  35.0% -lh5- 5006 Jan  2 20:28 Quicksilver/WWW/cgi-bin/calendar.cgi
[generic]                  979    2293  42.7% -lh5- 327e Nov 19 16:38 Quicksilver/WWW/cgi-bin/counter.cgi
[generic]                    0       0 ****** -lh0- 0000 Nov 19 16:39 Quicksilver/WWW/cgi-bin/counters/
[generic]                  481    1234  39.0% -lh5- ee21 Dec 27 19:14 Quicksilver/WWW/cgi-bin/EnvDisplay.cgi
[generic]                  496    1060  46.8% -lh5- bff0 Jan  2 20:27 Quicksilver/WWW/cgi-bin/Events.txt
[generic]                  432     432 100.0% -lh0- d43e Aug 12  2004 Quicksilver/WWW/cgi-bin/graphics/clean/0.png
[generic]                  329     329 100.0% -lh0- 0356 Aug 12  2004 Quicksilver/WWW/cgi-bin/graphics/clean/1.png
[generic]                  477     477 100.0% -lh0- 8c3c Aug 12  2004 Quicksilver/WWW/cgi-bin/graphics/clean/2.png
[generic]                  463     463 100.0% -lh0- a027 Aug 12  2004 Quicksilver/WWW/cgi-bin/graphics/clean/3.png
[generic]                  304     304 100.0% -lh0- 6184 Aug 12  2004 Quicksilver/WWW/cgi-bin/graphics/clean/4.png
[generic]                  440     440 100.0% -lh0- 3244 Aug 12  2004 Quicksilver/WWW/cgi-bin/graphics/clean/5.png
[generic]                  406     406 100.0% -lh0- 6afe Aug 12  2004 Quicksilver/WWW/cgi-bin/graphics/clean/6.png
[generic]                  412     412 100.0% -lh0- e2bb Aug 12  2004 Quicksilver/WWW/cgi-bin/graphics/clean/7.png
[generic]                  389     389 100.0% -lh0- c14f Aug 12  2004 Quicksilver/WWW/cgi-bin/graphics/clean/8.png
[generic]                  411     411 100.0% -lh0- f814 Aug 12  2004 Quicksilver/WWW/cgi-bin/graphics/clean/9.png
[generic]                  301     301 100.0% -lh0- 4764 May  2  2004 Quicksilver/WWW/cgi-bin/graphics/default/0.png
[generic]                  196     196 100.0% -lh0- f0e0 May  2  2004 Quicksilver/WWW/cgi-bin/graphics/default/1.png
[generic]                  288     288 100.0% -lh0- 426d May  2  2004 Quicksilver/WWW/cgi-bin/graphics/default/2.png
[generic]                  289     289 100.0% -lh0- 74b7 May  2  2004 Quicksilver/WWW/cgi-bin/graphics/default/3.png
[generic]                  258     258 100.0% -lh0- 2a5d May  2  2004 Quicksilver/WWW/cgi-bin/graphics/default/4.png
[generic]                  311     311 100.0% -lh0- bfca May  2  2004 Quicksilver/WWW/cgi-bin/graphics/default/5.png
[generic]                  299     299 100.0% -lh0- 6a4e May  2  2004 Quicksilver/WWW/cgi-bin/graphics/default/6.png
[generic]                  253     253 100.0% -lh0- 933e May  2  2004 Quicksilver/WWW/cgi-bin/graphics/default/7.png
[generic]                  332     332 100.0% -lh0- 8606 May  2  2004 Quicksilver/WWW/cgi-bin/graphics/default/8.png
[generic]                  336     336 100.0% -lh0- 9ab5 May  2  2004 Quicksilver/WWW/cgi-bin/graphics/default/9.png
[generic]                 1004    1004 100.0% -lh0- dfb0 May  2  2004 Quicksilver/WWW/cgi-bin/graphics/green-blue/0.png
[generic]                  935     935 100.0% -lh0- 87a2 May  2  2004 Quicksilver/WWW/cgi-bin/graphics/green-blue/1.png
[generic]                 1100    1100 100.0% -lh0- 4082 May  2  2004 Quicksilver/WWW/cgi-bin/graphics/green-blue/2.png
[generic]                 1127    1127 100.0% -lh0- 62d2 May  2  2004 Quicksilver/WWW/cgi-bin/graphics/green-blue/3.png
[generic]                 1057    1057 100.0% -lh0- 579a May  2  2004 Quicksilver/WWW/cgi-bin/graphics/green-blue/4.png
[generic]                 1132    1132 100.0% -lh0- b706 May  2  2004 Quicksilver/WWW/cgi-bin/graphics/green-blue/5.png
[generic]                 1104    1104 100.0% -lh0- 4f2e May  2  2004 Quicksilver/WWW/cgi-bin/graphics/green-blue/6.png
[generic]                 1040    1040 100.0% -lh0- 46ea May  2  2004 Quicksilver/WWW/cgi-bin/graphics/green-blue/7.png
[generic]                 1146    1146 100.0% -lh0- db1b May  2  2004 Quicksilver/WWW/cgi-bin/graphics/green-blue/8.png
[generic]                 1102    1102 100.0% -lh0- edab May  2  2004 Quicksilver/WWW/cgi-bin/graphics/green-blue/9.png
[generic]                 1530    5554  27.5% -lh5- e843 Jan  2 19:06 Quicksilver/WWW/cgi-bin/upload.cgi
[generic]                  329     501  65.7% -lh5- 3ec5 May 30  2004 Quicksilver/WWW/index.html
[generic]                 9044    9044 100.0% -lh0- f57d Jul 21  2003 Quicksilver/WWW/paper.jpg
[generic]                  442     770  57.4% -lh5- 2b59 Jul 14  2004 Quicksilver/WWW/upload.html
[generic]                    0       0 ****** -lh0- 0000 May 30  2004 Quicksilver/WWW/uploads/
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        44 files   45609   83302  54.8%            Jan  4 03:13
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