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Short:Loads Last Visited html pages in AWeb3.3
Author: bsteers at
Uploader:http://www btinternet com/~bsteers/
Version:3.2 (05/Jan/00)
Download:comm/www/aweblastpages.lha - View contents

                              AWebLastPages (ALP)
                            Written By Bruce Steers


 (0) Acknowledgements:
 (1) What is it ?:
 (2) how to Install:
 (3) how to use:

(0) The ppl to Thank

Bill Parker Of Amitrix (AWeb)  for Telling me About, Making,
BugFixing and helping me use his AWNPipe: handler .

Why not see for yourself and
Download the latest version

(1) What is AWebLastPages (ALP)

                  AWebLastPages is a utility to view the last
                   visited website(s) after quitting AWeb-II

                 It was originaly an ARexx script that used the
            Amigas command c:requestchoice (not very configurable).

        Since then Bill Parker told me about his AWNP Device and i just
        couldn't resist Further Developing AwebLastPages . (Just a bit:)

        it is now a Nice Compact ClassAct GUI that features all of this:

Onboard Help:
 help Text is Displayed in AWebs Status Display as you move
 around with the mouse

Search Distance:
 Set How many Pages to display (0=all pages)
 This Number can be saved to the Settings file for Future.

Preset Search Patterns:
 Settable/Saveable Presets or "MIME/HTML" or "NOT MIME/IMAGES"

Window Settings:
 Snapshot the window sizes and choose centerscreen, topleft ect.

Open Pages in Current or New window:
 Like is says . open a new AWeb window or load URL into Current

Delete Pages:
 delete pages matching selected pattern:
 if you have selected the all cache
 files matching will be deleted,
 this is an exact pattern match so for example the file will not be deleted.

MultiSelect for delete:
 you can Shift n Select multiple items in the ListBrowser window
 and delete them all , (if you select LOAD then only the Last
 selected URL will be opened)

Plus More.

It does not give an exact match of the CacheBrowser List (when sorted by date)
But after testing i have found that the CachBrowser Does Not update if you
Re-Visit a page in the Cache (hehe .so my prog is more correct) :)

(2) how to Install:

 Simple really :)

 Run The Install Script and it will ask to add commands to either an
 ARexx Menu Item or a Button Gadget Called  "LastPages" or "ALP"

Manual Installation
 after spending the time writing an
 install script i'll not bother explaining this

(3) how to use:

 When run you get a requester giving you some choices for a Search pattern.

 This is to speed up the search.

WARNING: A Large Cache may appear to freeze ALP when using MIME or ALL.
 maybe it has ! , probably it's just taking a VERY VERY long time
 to read through :-\.

 It's best to know what the pattern should be. in most cases it
 should be #?.html or #?/index.html

 but looking for URL's that do not specify a file &quote;#?/&quote;
 eg "" work a lot faster
 because there are less of them.

ALSO. You can set the Search Distance on the main window, Search Distance is
 the maximum number of files you are finally presented with. This Figure
 can be Saved in the Preferences.

 Select the pattern and the search begins .

 when a file is found another requester pops up and tells you how many matches were found all together
 and gives a list of the files in Cache in reverse order (Last First).

 scroll down the list and select a URL and press load or just double click the
 desired URL to either load it into AWeb or Delete ALL Selected files.

 When Loading you are given a choice to load the file into a New Window or
 the Currently Open one.

               I have many more Usefull programs on my website .
             if I need a program I can't find , I try to make it :)

         you can Use the Menu Items in the first Window to go Directly
            to my website or to load up YAM to EMail Me for Support
                                  Bruce Steers


Contents of comm/www/aweblastpages.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                 1158    2102  55.1% -lh5- d863 Jan 28  2000
[generic]                 7996   23208  34.5% -lh5- 213f Feb  5  2000 AWebLastPages/AWebLastPages.awebrx
[generic]                 1191    2157  55.2% -lh5- 4a85 Dec  9  1999 AWebLastPages/
[generic]                 2547    6066  42.0% -lh5- 0e3d Feb  5  2000 AWebLastPages/AWebLastPages.html
[generic]                  449     909  49.4% -lh5- 5d4e Nov 27  1999 AWebLastPages/
[generic]                 2039    4395  46.4% -lh5- 75d2 Feb  5  2000 AWebLastPages/AWebLastPages.Readme
[generic]                  804    1351  59.5% -lh5- bcf1 Nov 27  1999 AWebLastPages/
[generic]                  121     136  89.0% -lh5- 76f0 Jul 11  1999 AWebLastPages/awnp/DosDrivers/AWNPIPE
[generic]                  262     481  54.5% -lh5- 921d Nov 26  1999 AWebLastPages/awnp/DosDrivers/
[generic]                30189   61920  48.8% -lh5- 0970 Jan 22  2000 AWebLastPages/awnp/l/awnpipe-handler
[generic]                 2221    5942  37.4% -lh5- 1334 Feb  5  2000 AWebLastPages/Install-ALP
[generic]                  532    1241  42.9% -lh5- 0d7e Nov 28  1999 AWebLastPages/
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        12 files   49509  109908  45.0%            Feb  5  2000
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