84782 packages online
comm/www/WebDesign.lha |
No screenshot available
Short: | Html editor with external editor support |
Author: | lmcgahey net-link.net (Larry McGahey) |
Uploader: | lmcgahey net-link net (Larry McGahey) |
Type: | comm/www |
Version: | v2.0k |
Architecture: | m68k-amigaos |
Date: | 1999-08-12 |
Replaces: | comm/www WebDesign.lha |
Download: | comm/www/WebDesign.lha - View contents | Readme: | comm/www/WebDesign.readme |
Downloads: | 1459 |
Version 2.0k
Bug fixes including fixing a problem when using
FONT SIZE="4" rather than FONT SIZE="+1". The
second QUOTE would be removed if the selection
was a single digit.
Replaced the code that allows you to use CONTROL
and the UPARROW to jump to the start of a document
and the DOWNARROW to jump to the end of a document.
Version 2.0j
Removed the "Go Configure" gui that appears to have
only worked on my A4000'040 and A3000???
Version 2.0i
Fixed a bug created in v2.0h that limited the number
of characters that would fit in the text boxes of
the Go Configure screen. This would chop of the end
of a long path.
Version 2.0h
Fixed a few bugs and no doubt created some new ones.
Sometimes BACKSPACE would not backspace.
Stopped putting an automatic space at the beginning
of each document.
Search starts from one line below the current line
rather than jumping to the start of the document.
Moved some things around in the pulldown menus.
(the guide doesn't show these yet but it's obvious)
Changed the look of the Go Configure screen.
(creating a nightmare of problems that should be fixed now)
I have started support for Tidy but it doesn't work
yet. It doesn't work yet. It doesn't work yet.
Version 2.0g
There was a problem when using an external editor
that caused a glitch on the way back to Web Design.
If a large file had been pasted into the external
editor it would mess up and not finish updating
the document in Web Design.
Version 2.0f
Fixed the fonts in the prefs screen so the text
won't appear where it shouldn't. This depends on
the user having courier 11 font in the fonts directory.
This problem occured because the labels for the
text fields were using the screen text font which
if it was bigger than courier 11 it didn't fit.
Version 2.0e
Attempted to fix a bug that sometimes caused
Web Design to quit if AWeb was loading a
large document in the first preview in
version 2.0d.
Version 2.0d
I have made it possible to use GoldEd or CygnusEd
with Web Design allowing better cutting and pasting
as well as clipboard support.
I have tested this with CygnusEd Professional v3.5,
that I got on a magazine disk a few years ago,
and the free version of GoldEd that I downloaded
from http://members.tripod.com/golded/golded.htm
I also downloaded envWWW26.lha from the same site.
Once installed it adds html support that includes
color to html code. It is also easier to add a
few things in the middle of a <B>line</B>.
The Go Configure screen has a box for selecting
which external text editor you want to use. If
you have ced or ged in your c: directory all you
need to do is type ced or ged into the box. If
don't have either in the c: directory you can click
your way to the editors location.
In Web Design you can send the current document
to the external editor from the Blocks pulldown
menu or just press RIGHTAMIGA + e
When you are ready to go back to Web Design...
CygnusEd - press RIGHTAMIGA + RIGHTSHIFT + q
GoldEd - press RIGHTAMIGA + d
This will close the external editor and update
the document in Web Design automatically.
It is best to close each time like this so
additional changes will be shown if you go back
to the external editor again.
I have been unable to provide full cut and paste
or color coded text using CanDo 3.0 developer
system so this is the next best thing.
If you use this feature in Web Design with a different
version of either CygnusEd or GoldEd than the ones
I have tested I would like to know how it works.
I have also added DIV block commands. They are listed
with the other block commands from that button.
I have attempted to have AWeb and Voyager show
changes with preview the first time, rather than the
blank browser. Voyager still needs to have the Reload
button clicked to show additional changes although it
does show the page correctly the first time.
Version 2.0c
Added more standard colors that can be selected
by name from a list.
Changed the character entity selection from
a list of names to buttons with the character
that will result when selected. Added many more
Version 2.0a
Fixed a bug that left the = sign out of the
SRC= code when inserting an image into an
existing line of html code.
Version 2.0
Fixed the startup so it won't say Web Design is
running when it isn't.
Made it easier to insert an image along with
and http link or an email address etc.
Added 16 basic color buttons to the text and
background color selector making it easier
to select these basic colors.
If you want to be informed about updates to
Web Design sign up for the Web Design mailing
list. http://www.net-link.net/~lmcgahey/
How can this program be written with CanDo?
Christian Effenberger's CanDo development CD
makes the current Web Design possible.
If you are a CanDo programmer you need this CD!!!
You can email Christian at the address below.
You can also get info here...
The CD contains examples and programs Christian has
written to get you started as well as the tools.
I have also recieved additional CanDo courses to help
with the new powers so there is plenty of help
Extract Web Design to the directory you will be
using it from because there are several files it
will look for in that directory.
I am changing the way I compile Web Design.
Included with these files is the Cando.library
that you will need to copy to Sys:Libs for
Web Design to work at all.
Once you have done this you will have the option
to download a smaller file as updates become available.
Use the HELP key to access AmigaGuide docs while
using Web Design.
o Easy creation of html docs
o Client side image maps (requires HappyDT.lha)*
o Automatic WIDTH and HEIGHT for images (requires HappyDT.lha)*
o Online help guide
o Work with multiple documents
o Easy client side image maps
o Add and update text colors with mouse clicks
o Add and update text sizes with mouse clicks
o Add and update images with mouse clicks
o Preview images/bgimages before using
o Copy images/bgimages to the current directory
o Preview changes before saving
o Easy creation of tables with color or image backgrounds
o Easy creation of forms
o Easy creation of frames
o Word search, replace word and remove word
o Cut and paste lines and blocks
o Insert text from other files
o Easy add url and mailto etc
o JavaScript support
o Support for external editors
o and more....
Watch for updates and helpful hints on my home page.
http://www.net-link.net/~lmcgahey/ (North America)
http://www.amigaworld.com/support/webdesign/ (Europe/UK)
I have docs in HTML format online as well as in
AmigaGuide format for downloading.
I have also made it possible now to press the HELP
key for online help while using Web Design.
* Web Design can not load jpg, gif, png etc gfx
without HappyDT installed and WD listed in
HappyDT's prefs.
Aminet util/cdity/HappyDT.lha
JPGs do not seem to work most of the time.
This is also true if you want WIDTH and HEIGHT
added to inline image code.
ImageMap may not load for you and if it doesn't you
will need to wait until I can change the way it loads.
I am aware that it errors when some people try to
use it.
I would like to have your ideas and bug reports
whether you have registered or not.
Email: lmcgahey@net-link.net
irc: yooper #amiga
This program is shareware so if you use it please
consider my time spent to save you time. Nothing is
disabled so have fun.
Suggested shareware amount is $25.00 or more if you
can pay more. :)
Thank you to the people who have registered.
Also thank you to the other people who have reported bugs to
help me improve Web Design.
Larry McGahey
6092 N 8th Street
Kalamazoo, MI 49009
Contents of comm/www/WebDesign.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 601 1233 48.7% -lh5- 33b0 Jun 3 1999 WDLIB.info
[generic] 597 1233 48.4% -lh5- 4d8d Jun 20 1999 WDLIB/Libs.info
[generic] 117333 193684 60.6% -lh5- d6f8 Jan 18 1995 WDLIB/Libs/cando.library
[generic] 50144 88944 56.4% -lh5- c5c3 Feb 17 1994 wdlib/vt
[generic] 128148 128148 100.0% -lh0- 27f8 Aug 10 1999 WDLIB/wd
[generic] 1074 2596 41.4% -lh5- a381 Aug 10 1999 WDLIB/WD.info
[generic] 6677 19843 33.6% -lh5- 597f Dec 24 1998 WDLIB/WDHistory
[generic] 904 1473 61.4% -lh5- d379 Jun 20 1999 WDLIB/WDHistory.info
[generic] 3570 4564 78.2% -lh5- 4d49 Nov 2 1998 WDLIB/WebDesign
[generic] 14 18 77.8% -lh5- 0b51 May 27 1999 WDLIB/webdesign.config
[generic] 15017 46435 32.3% -lh5- ab82 Jun 16 1998 WDLIB/webdesign.guide
[generic] 770 1611 47.8% -lh5- fb89 Jun 20 1999 WDLIB/webdesign.guide.info
[generic] 1744 2523 69.1% -lh5- 3142 Jun 20 1999 WDLIB/WebDesign.info
[generic] 3798 10746 35.3% -lh5- 2520 Aug 11 1999 WDLIB/WebDesign.readme
[generic] 901 1473 61.2% -lh5- f00c Jun 20 1999 WDLIB/WebDesign.readme.info
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 15 files 331292 504524 65.7% Aug 11 1999
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