Public Domain by James L Boyd
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"RollOver! GOod BOy!"
^ ^ ^^ ^^
Rogobo is a Javascript rollover generator. Rollovers, for those
who don't know, are the web graphics that change to another
graphic when you move the mouse over them.
Rogobo (crap name, but what the hell :) is font-sensitive, stable
and simple to use.
The only Amiga browser I know of that (almost) fully supports
rollovers is Voyager 3. In browsers without Javascript, you only
see the first image, so it looks fine. In broken Javascript
implementations, like AWeb's, you get a bit of a mess, truth be
The PC browsers handle them properly though.
Anyway, it's easy to use :
1) Click on Create new rollover;
2) Select the main image (the one that will appear
in non-Javascript browsers too);
3) Select the alternative image, which appears when
the mouse is moved over it;
4) Repeat until you've done all the rollovers you want (up
to 128, the maximum);
5) Save as a HTML file with demo usage;
6) Cut 'n' paste according to your requirements.
You can access all the functions (plus New Project, which clears
everything) from the menus too.
One point to note: I haven't put in any checks for the rollover
names, cos I'm not sure what's allowed in Javascript (I know you
can't start with a number, for one thing, and I'd guess spaces are
out of the question, so stick to alphanumeric, one-word names, and
you should be fine :)
The commented Blitz source code is included.
Future possibilities? Image preview (even the flip effect), more
error checking (though it's reasonably good as it is - ooh, just
remembered I haven't checked for reqtools.library, which is needed!),
export to clipboard. Anything else?
Now RollOver! GOod BOy!