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Short:prevents buggy ethernet from locking up
Author: megacz at
Uploader:megacz usa com
Requires:see notes
Download:comm/tcp/myinterfacesuck.lha - View contents




This proggy is mainly for use with buggy network(ethernet) drivers and/or
broken hardware, what it does is to transparenty reinitialize the network
interface after it locked up.



When my 3c589D NIC locks up(usually with long uploads at full speed) then,
the TCP kernel dont know about that at all, it does not give any errors, it
looks like there is no hosts around so connections get timed out. I still
dont know what causes such weird behaviour, however i have read somewhere
that NIC i got is somewhat problematic and even Linux people have similar
problems with it. My proggy is to prevent such "events" from lasting long, it
simply emits 4k ICMP messages(small packets like 64 Bytes wont allocate free
requests very fast) to a non forwardable host every user
defined amount of time. This way it causes device requests to melt(if the
device is locked up then it can not free them), thus after allocating all
free requestes kernel sets the error to 55(No buffer space available) and
this is when reinit. comes in. Firstly it brings down symbolic interface,
then the device driver, but puts it back online(this is like reset, this
cures the hardware) and as a last step makes the interface up and running
again. All active transfers should resume shortly without any reconnections
(depends on how fast reqs. will molt, in other words if it will do that
before the timeout).

If you know how to detect interface lockups without sending anything over
the network then please contact me asap!


     [27-Feb-2008] 0.5
     Reduced the packet to 4000 Bytes, due to the fact that some
     Windgows firewalls treat higher values as someting abnormal
     and attempt to log that traffic. Changes in controlc handler.

     [14-Jan-2008] 0.4
     Did more probes and it turned out, that the best results can be
     achieved with 4096 Bytes(tried to reduce but this is absolute
     minimum). Some other small changes. Removed 0.1 completly.

     [14-Jan-2008] 0.3
     Lowered packet length to 1480 Bytes, removed bloating code from icmp
     part and fixed some minor issues. Removed the executable of 0.1 .

     [12-Jan-2008] 0.2
     This version adds some nice controls trough Arexx, there is still 0.1
     in 'srcsrcsrc/'. I had a choice between 'getenv()' and ARexx messaging,
     so i picked the second method. If you open the shell and type:

        > rx "address MIFS1;pause"
        > rx "address MIFS1;'PAUSE'"

     then it will stop sending anything over the socket,

        > rx "address MIFS1;type_here_whatever_you_want"

     will enable the broadcast of the ICMP echos again, the cmd might be
     anything except 'PAUSE'. If you switch between gateways on different
     interfaces from time to time then this will be surely very helpful.



Requires 68000+(no FPU), OS 2.04+, ~24 KiB of free memory, ARexx, 
AmiTCP 30b2+, Not tested with Miami(might not work)!!!

Uses 'syslog()'(TCP/IP log) to tell if it detected particular error.
Use <loglev> of 0 to 5 to see the message in AmiTCP log file/console
or 6 or 7 if you want to treat it as a debug, 8 no syslog.
Interesingly or not but info and debug do not work in AmiTCP 4.6...

If it turns out that this program cant help with your current settings
then increase WRITEREQ(amitcp:db/interfaces) of your interface by a 2 to 4 
additional requests. I found that when all requestes are already occupied
and lock up occurs then this program will be simply waiting until someone
free one, but you will be right thinking that this should give an error(its
TCP/IP kernel design or maybe fault...).

If you want to fix something and recompile then you must have SAS/C 6.5x,
'netinclude' and 'netlib' from AmiTCP 30b2 extracted to the dirs in
'srcsrcsrc/'. Then just simply 'cd srcsrcsrc' type 'compile'.

Installation is pretty easy, put this thing after your 'startnet' or in
'startnet' with the arguments that match your interface and the device.

You may also like to 'changetaskpri -2' so it wont be handled too often by
the cpu, but keep in mind that all the hard work is done by the kernel so
you wont gain too much. Anyway, this program is not very cpu intensive,
i made some tests without any interval and measured MIPS of my cpu
with 'bogomips' and it was still acceptable. Another thing is to remember
about non-network related cpu time eaters(like PC-Task), in such case they
should be pushed to -2 or even less to make this program function.

Yes, i have cosidered a check if there are any active xfers so it could
be checking only then, but this seems to be too much hassle and what can be
possibly gained by this?

There is more programs in this package see 'srcsrcsrc/source/'. Note however
that these programs wont probably be updated and may contain some nasty bugs
(especially 'mifsallocreq' - treat it as a one big bug ;).



* 0 - ENOERROR           Undefined error: 0   
  1 - EPERM              Operation not permitted  
  2 - ENOENT             No such file or directory  
  3 - ESRCH              No such process   
  4 - EINTR              Interrupted system call  
  5 - EIO                Input/output error   
  6 - ENXIO              Device not configured   
  7 - E2BIG              Argument list too long  
  8 - ENOEXEC            Exec format error   
  9 - EBADF              Bad file descriptor   
 10 - ECHILD             No child processes   
 11 - EDEADLK            Resource deadlock avoided  
 12 - ENOMEM             Cannot allocate memory  
 13 - EACCES             Permission denied   
 14 - EFAULT             Bad address    
 15 - ENOTBLK            Block device required   
 16 - EBUSY              Device busy    
 17 - EEXIST             File exists    
 18 - EXDEV              Cross-device link   
 19 - ENODEV             Operation not supported by device 
 20 - ENOTDIR            Not a directory   
 21 - EISDIR             Is a directory   
 22 - EINVAL             Invalid argument   
 23 - ENFILE             Too many open files in system  
 24 - EMFILE             Too many open files   
 25 - ENOTTY             Inappropriate ioctl for device 
 26 - ETXTBSY            Text file busy   
 27 - EFBIG              File too large   
 28 - ENOSPC             No space left on device  
 29 - ESPIPE             Illegal seek    
 30 - EROFS              Read-only file system   
 31 - EMLINK             Too many links   
 32 - EPIPE              Broken pipe    
 33 - EDOM               Numerical argument out of domain 
 34 - ERANGE             Result too large   
 35 - EAGAIN,EWOULDBLOCK Resource temporarily unavailable 
 36 - EINPROGRESS        Operation now in progress  
 37 - EALREADY           Operation already in progress  
 38 - ENOTSOCK           Socket operation on non-socket 
 39 - EDESTADDRREQ       Destination address required  
 40 - EMSGSIZE           Message too long   
 41 - EPROTOTYPE         Protocol wrong type for socket 
 42 - ENOPROTOOPT        Protocol not available  
 43 - EPROTONOSUPPORT    Protocol not supported  
 44 - ESOCKTNOSUPPORT    Socket type not supported  
 45 - EOPNOTSUPP         Operation not supported  
 46 - EPFNOSUPPORT       Protocol family not supported  
 47 - EAFNOSUPPORT       Address family not supported by protocol family
 48 - EADDRINUSE         Address already in use   
 49 - EADDRNOTAVAIL      Can't assign requested address  
*50 - ENETDOWN           Network is down    
 51 - ENETUNREACH        Network is unreachable   
 52 - ENETRESET          Network dropped connection on reset  
 53 - ECONNABORTED       Software caused connection abort  
 54 - ECONNRESET         Connection reset by peer   
*55 - ENOBUFS            No buffer space available   
 56 - EISCONN            Socket is already connected   
 57 - ENOTCONN           Socket is not connected   
 58 - ESHUTDOWN          Can't send after socket shutdown  
 59 - ETOOMANYREFS       Too many references: can't splice  
 60 - ETIMEDOUT          Connection timed out    
 61 - ECONNREFUSED       Connection refused    
 62 - ELOOP              Too many levels of symbolic links  
 63 - ENAMETOOLONG       File name too long    
 64 - EHOSTDOWN          Host is down     
 65 - EHOSTUNREACH       No route to host    
 66 - ENOTEMPTY          Directory not empty    
 67 - EPROCLIM           Too many processes    
 68 - EUSERS             Too many users    
 69 - EDQUOT             Disc quota exceeded    
 70 - ESTALE             Stale NFS file handle    
 71 - EREMOTE            Too many levels of remote in path  
 72 - EBADRPC            RPC struct is bad    
 73 - ERPCMISMATCH       RPC version wrong    
 74 - EPROGUNAVAIL       RPC prog. not avail    
 75 - EPROGMISMATCH      Program version wrong    
 76 - EPROCUNAVAIL       Bad procedure for program   
 77 - ENOLCK             No locks available    
 78 - ENOSYS             Function not implemented   
 79 - EFTYPE             Inappropriate file type or format  

 * - perhaps the only useful codes



myinterfacesuck <iface> <s2device> <s2unit> <errcode> <loglev> [ival]

     <iface> -   your main network interface, eth0, eth1, ...
  <s2device> -   device used by the <iface>
    <s2unit> -   device unit, usually 0   
   <errcode> -   error code at which reinitialization should occur,
                 0 = reinit at any error
    <loglev> -   0 - emerg, 1 - alert, 2 - crit, 3 - err, 4 - warn,
                 5 - notice, 6 - info, 7 - debug, 8 - no log
      [ival] -   time to wait between checks, 1-60 seconds, default: 3
                 which is reasonable value and gives good results



27.[local]RamDisk:> ifconfig eth0 down
3.[local]STUFF:myinterfacesuck-0.1> myinterfacesuck eth0 3c589.device 0 50 8 1
 /// ARexx port 'MIFS1' has been attached, 'PAUSE' or 'WHATEVER' controls.
 /// monitoring interface 'eth0' for error 50, check every 1 sec(s) ...
 /// error 50 detected, transparent reinitialization in progress ...
 /// interface should be up and running again.


(we want to check as often as possible, but we dont care
if something is xferring at full speed and loads the cpu,
so thats why pri is -2)

   changetaskpri -2
   run >nil: myinterfacesuck eth0 3c589.device 0 55 5
   changetaskpri 0


Contents of comm/tcp/myinterfacesuck.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                 9547   15224  62.7% -lh5- 36aa Feb 27 16:20 myinterfacesuck-0.5/myinterfacesuck
[generic]                 4659   10522  44.3% -lh5- 388b Feb 27 16:17 myinterfacesuck-0.5/myinterfacesuck.readme
[generic]                  560    1172  47.8% -lh5- 8674 Jan  4 08:32 myinterfacesuck-0.5/srcsrcsrc/compile
[generic]                 8288   13440  61.7% -lh5- 6999 Jan  6 15:53 myinterfacesuck-0.5/srcsrcsrc/source/mifsallocreq/mifsallocreq
[generic]                 4029   10290  39.2% -lh5- 3d5e Jan  6 15:35 myinterfacesuck-0.5/srcsrcsrc/source/mifsallocreq/mifsallocreq.c
[generic]                  136     172  79.1% -lh5- ba7e Jan  5 15:38 myinterfacesuck-0.5/srcsrcsrc/source/mifsallocreq/Smake.def
[generic]                 7089   11260  63.0% -lh5- 91dd Jan  6 15:53 myinterfacesuck-0.5/srcsrcsrc/source/mifsdumb/mifsdumb
[generic]                 1960    4836  40.5% -lh5- 1b39 Jan  5 17:38 myinterfacesuck-0.5/srcsrcsrc/source/mifsdumb/mifsdumb.c
[generic]                  135     168  80.4% -lh5- bec3 Jan  4 13:39 myinterfacesuck-0.5/srcsrcsrc/source/mifsdumb/Smake.def
[generic]                 6123    9564  64.0% -lh5- 6f34 Jan  6 15:53 myinterfacesuck-0.5/srcsrcsrc/source/mifsstate/mifsstate
[generic]                 1538    3853  39.9% -lh5- 0bd2 Jan  5 18:32 myinterfacesuck-0.5/srcsrcsrc/source/mifsstate/mifsstate.c
[generic]                  133     169  78.7% -lh5- 0801 Jan  5 18:06 myinterfacesuck-0.5/srcsrcsrc/source/mifsstate/Smake.def
[generic]                 3799    9623  39.5% -lh5- 1cc4 Feb 27 16:15 myinterfacesuck-0.5/srcsrcsrc/source/myinterfacesuck/myinterfacesuck.c
[generic]                 3370   10225  33.0% -lh5- 045c Jan 11 23:55 myinterfacesuck-0.5/srcsrcsrc/source/myinterfacesuck/simplerexx.c
[generic]                 1206    3012  40.0% -lh5- 7133 Jul  9  1990 myinterfacesuck-0.5/srcsrcsrc/source/myinterfacesuck/SimpleRexx.h
[generic]                  149     200  74.5% -lh5- fb9d Jan 12 00:50 myinterfacesuck-0.5/srcsrcsrc/source/myinterfacesuck/Smake.def
[generic]                  128     159  80.5% -lh5- 327c Jan 12 00:50 myinterfacesuck-0.5/srcsrcsrc/source/Smake-in-dir
[generic]                  745    1794  41.5% -lh5- 624c Jan 12 00:50 myinterfacesuck-0.5/srcsrcsrc/source/Smakefile
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        18 files   53594  105683  50.7%            Feb 27 08:45
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