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Short:Another MiamiDx Control Panel
Author: gelbespanel at
Uploader:Torsten Ketelsen (todi amisource de)
Requires:MiamiDx, MUI 3.8, lamp.mcc
Download:comm/tcp/gelbesPanel.lha - View contents

Hi there...

This is just another control panel for MiamiDx.

Primary features of this panel are the extremely comapct and fully
configureable GUI. Everything else is just like every other control panel :)

Copy gelbes.MiamiPanel to miami:libs/

Copy gelbespanel.gui to miami:libs/

Copy the images directory to miami:

That's all.

Now select the new control panel from MiamiDX's "Control panel settings"
and there you go.

To change the look of gelbesPanel you have first the "Control panel
settings" of miami itself, second the Settings window of gelbes.MiamiPanel
which can be found from the menu of the panel and third the images which
can be found in miami:images/gelbesPanel/

Developer Information
gelbes Panel features a small interface for programmers to access its data
from the outside.  Please have a look at the provided apitest.e source

No warranty is made to the use or misuse of this software.  The author
cannot be held liable or responsible:  use is at your own risk.
Any damage caused by this software is your own fault!  Remember that.

To get in contact with us join #amigazeux at

v5.28 - 28.01.2003
- Using the "X" button to quit MiamiDX made Miami freeze. Fixed.

- When interfaces were removed the panels layout became corrupted. Fixed.

v5.21 - 26.01.2003
- The panel now is able to display incomming and outgoing traffic for each

- It's now possible to let the panel display the top-CPS of each interface.

- Increased stacksize making it stable again under MorphOS.

- Added an about window.

- Added the ability to make the window immoveable.  This also includes not
  being able to resize the window.  Have a look at the settings menu.

- Moved all the GUI stuff to an external program, which does
  a) make it dragable and sizeable again on MorphOS
  b) makes development of the GUI a bit less of a click-orgy for me :)

- Added a Real-Time-Clock to the titlebar on request.  It's also possible
  now to switch the clock, the uptime or both on/off in the settings.

- Panel doesn't show negative values any longer if more than 2 gb were

v4.259 - 04.04.2002
- Changed communication of library and panel task.

- GB informations were shown wrong. Fixed.

- The panel now uses miami: instead of PROGDIR: for its images.

- Changed Frametype of Total-Uptime to TextFrame, so it is possible to
  change the frame of Uptimetext to your likings without having to change
  the ReadListFrame (which was used before) in MUI-Settings.

- The panel now supports masks for its buttons.  When loading graphics, the
  panel looks for a file with the same filename as the button-gfx with
  .mask suffix.  The .mask file should have the same dimensions as the
  button-gfx. Color 0 of the mask will be transparent.

- Panel is now using an own bitmap for disabled/ghosted look in favor of
  the standard rastered MUI look.  New gfx needed is:  online.ghosted and

v4.239 - 20.02.2002
- For some people gelbesPanel was unable to load the images. Fixed.

v4.235 - 13.02.2002
- Changed the way the titlebar of the window is displayed. It's no longer
  just a stupid coloured bar, which makes the panel plain ugly with custom
  backgrounds but it now displays 'gelbesPanel' if the window is active.

- Removed "Inactive Colour" from window colour settings because it's not
  needed anymore.  See above.

- Removed the need for a "custom" background image.  Just set the
  windowbackdrop image in the MUI-Settings.

v4.224 - 09.02.2002
- Initial release

gelbesPanel is ©2002-2003 by #amigazeux /

Contents of comm/tcp/gelbesPanel.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                  152     236  64.4% -lh5- 50ee Jan  6  2002 gelbespanel/images/gelbespanel/hide.pressed
[generic]                  142     242  58.7% -lh5- 4174 Jan  6  2002 gelbespanel/images/gelbespanel/hide.released
[generic]                  167     288  58.0% -lh5- 03b3 Jan  5  2002 gelbespanel/images/gelbespanel/offline.pressed
[generic]                  171     296  57.8% -lh5- 033e Jan  5  2002 gelbespanel/images/gelbespanel/offline.released
[generic]                  178     304  58.6% -lh5- 0377 Apr  4  2002 gelbespanel/images/gelbespanel/offline.ghosted
[generic]                  173     246  70.3% -lh5- e366 Apr  4  2002 gelbespanel/images/gelbespanel/online.ghosted
[generic]                  163     246  66.3% -lh5- d9ab Jan  5  2002 gelbespanel/images/gelbespanel/online.released
[generic]                  176     240  73.3% -lh5- 0da3 Jan  6  2002 gelbespanel/images/gelbespanel/quit.pressed
[generic]                  161     242  66.5% -lh5- b53a Jan  5  2002 gelbespanel/images/gelbespanel/online.pressed
[generic]                  184     242  76.0% -lh5- 841c Jan  6  2002 gelbespanel/images/gelbespanel/quit.released
[generic]                  188     240  78.3% -lh5- 62b1 Jan  6  2002 gelbespanel/images/gelbespanel/show.released
[generic]                  137     240  57.1% -lh5- 27b1 Jan  6  2002 gelbespanel/images/gelbespanel/windowquit.pressed
[generic]                  192     240  80.0% -lh5- 3032 Jan  6  2002 gelbespanel/images/gelbespanel/show.pressed
[generic]                  133     238  55.9% -lh5- af54 Jan  6  2002 gelbespanel/images/gelbespanel/windowquit.released
[generic]                  152     240  63.3% -lh5- fe11 Jan  6  2002 gelbespanel/images/gelbespanel/windowzoom.pressed
[generic]                  147     242  60.7% -lh5- fab8 Jan  6  2002 gelbespanel/images/gelbespanel/windowzoom.released
[generic]                 1851    2811  65.8% -lh5- 1452 Feb 13  2002
[generic]                 1854    2811  66.0% -lh5- 7e88 Feb  9  2002 gelbespanel/
[generic]                  783    1064  73.6% -lh5- b822 Feb  3  2002 gelbespanel/developer/apitest
[generic]                  642    1508  42.6% -lh5- 5be8 Feb  3  2002 gelbespanel/developer/apitest.e
[generic]                 4607   12184  37.8% -lh5- ee2a Jan 28  2003 gelbespanel/gelbes.MiamiPanel
[generic]                17989   54532  33.0% -lh5- b1ec Jan 28  2003 gelbespanel/gelbespanel.gui
[generic]                 1947    4196  46.4% -lh5- e0fd Jan 28  2003 gelbesPanel.readme
[generic]                 1947    4196  46.4% -lh5- e0fd Jan 28  2003 gelbespanel/gelbesPanel.readme
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        24 files   34236   87324  39.2%            Feb  2  2003
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