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comm/tcp/ftp-guide.lha |
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This is an old idea i have thought about some time now, and i pushed
myself to create these arexx scripts...
What they will do? Simply allow you to access internet in Amigaguide
You can now send mail, access WWW pages and download/upload files just
by pressing an button in a guide.
How does it work?
Ok, lets look at an example:
@{" buttontext " system "run >CON: sys:rexxc/rx MAIL name@address"}
| | | |
Where text output should go ' | | ` The receivers
Disable it with >NIL:, make | | email address
a logfile with something like | |
>ram:logfile.txt, let your | `- My arexx command.
amiga speak it with >SPEAK: |
Use your imagination! |
`- For some reason, you must supply the
complete path to the arexx RX command
MAIL - Send mail to anyone
WWW - Access any http document using AMosaic. If AMosaic isn't loaded, it
will automatically be loaded.
FTPPUT - Get/put/ a file from any ftp host. For this to work, you must use
FTPMOUNT which you can find on Aminet. It will mount FTP as a part
of your filesystem. Anyway, if you don't give it any parameters, a
reqtools requester will appear.
For more information, check out the Example.GUIDE, it will explain
everything for you... Or you could allways ask me for help!
Note that you SHOULD edit the preferences in each of the files. Otherwize it
won't work. (Just load the scripts into an editor...)
* AREXX (Naturally :-)
* A connection to internet with AmiTCP or similar...
* FTMount for FTP fileaccess... It allows you to access FTP sites like a
real part amigados filesystem. (pub/aminet/comm/tcp/FTPMount.lha)
* Amosaic for WWW documents. (pub/aminet/comm/tcp/Mosaic1.2AmiTC.lha)
* Amiga ELM for direct EMAIL. (pub/aminet/comm/mail/AmigaElm-v8.lha)
Christer Bjarnemo mr.bjarnemo@mn.medstroms.se
Contents of comm/tcp/ftp-guide.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 811 1233 65.8% -lh5- d82c Nov 12 1995 FTP-Guide.info
[generic] 419 944 44.4% -lh5- a596 Nov 12 1995 FTP-Guide/example.guide
[generic] 1003 3976 25.2% -lh5- 24e6 Nov 12 1995 FTP-Guide/example.guide.info
[generic] 507 982 51.6% -lh5- 58be Oct 15 1995 FTP-Guide/ftpget
[generic] 514 988 52.0% -lh5- 1c29 Oct 15 1995 FTP-Guide/ftpput
[generic] 224 335 66.9% -lh5- 9327 Nov 12 1995 FTP-Guide/mail
[generic] 1083 2138 50.7% -lh5- 603f Nov 12 1995 FTP-Guide/ReadMe First.txt
[generic] 1045 4052 25.8% -lh5- a085 Nov 12 1995 FTP-Guide/ReadMe First.txt.info
[generic] 461 844 54.6% -lh5- 660d Nov 12 1995 FTP-Guide/www
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 9 files 6067 15492 39.2% Nov 13 1995
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