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Short:Fully featured GUI IRC Client (v2.0)
Author: owagner at (Oliver Wagner)
Uploader:owagner vapor com (Oliver Wagner)
Download:comm/tcp/amirc_real.lha - View contents

AmIRC is a client for the IRC Internet Relay Chat protocol written by
Oliver Wagner (  It is a part of the VaporWare suite
of Internet applications.  For more information on AmIRC or any other
VaporWare products, please see our website -

(For changes since v1.69, please see below).

AmIRC v2.0's features include:

- Works with Miami, AmiTCP and as225/inet225, no additional libraries.

- Built-in highly optimised DCC drivers for SEND, TSEND and MOVE, with
  asynchronous file I/O and threaded network handling. Supports drag & 
  drop sending of files, and DCC RESUME.

- Tranparent DCC CHAT routes all /MSGs via DCC CHAT if possible. There
  is an option to automatically accept DCC CHAT connections.

- Supports secure encrypted DCC CHAT (SCHAT).

- Ultra fast text output and scrolling. Supports copy & paste for the 
  list text, and allows the use of proportional fonts.

- Internal CTCP flood and DCC bomb protection.

- Full Undernet IRC extensions (reply codes and additional commands).

- Intuitive channel display, with userlist and channel mode overview.
  Channel modes can easily be changed and the banlist inspected via 
  these gadgets. The configurable user action list allows you to 
  perform whatever action you like on user(s) in channel by the press 
  of a mousebutton..

- Uses query windows for private chat.

- Supports "smart" banning.

- Versatile AREXX port includes server message parsing (event trapping)
  and commandline/script interaction.

- Easy to use command line aliasing.

- Built-in IdentD, which is automatically disabled if another IdentD is 
  already running.

- Nickname notification, highliting, ignoring and kickban.

- Versatile event handling, allows you to bind sound effects, auto-
  deiconify, or ARexx scripts to certain events.

- Server phonebook.

- Last nick history stores the nicknames of the last nicks you've sent
  MSGs to, received MSGs from or addressed publically with "nick:".
  Use the ":" placeholder in all commands which require nicknames,
  (e.g. /MSG, /OP, /DEOP), for automatic expansion.

- The TAB key automatically cycles through the list of last used nicks
  with a /MSG prefix.

- Nickname completion. Pressing TAB after typing a partial nickname will
  automagically match nicks in the current channel, just like in your 
  favorite CON: handler.

- Auto rejoin channel on /KICK, and auto reconnect to server facility.

- Auto /AWAY after a user-specified idle timeout. Also, auto unaway after
  sending public and/or private msgs is possible.

- URL grabber for interfacing with the Voyager WWW browser (or via an 
  ARexx script for other browsers)

New features since AmIRC's last public release (1.69) include:

- Query and channel windows can now be iconified individually to a 
  "tray" window. Tray window button labels turn bold when new messages
  are received, white when a highlight occurs, and carry information 
  about the number of messages in each window.

- New low-level Plugin API. Documentation of the API is available from or Aminet, in a separate archive. An example plugin, 
  WallChop.AmiPlug, is included.

- Server list is now a ListTree object with subgroups for different 

- Can now use MIMEPrefs to automatically view & save files received via
  DCC. Activate the "Use MIMEPrefs to view?" or "Use MIMEPrefs to save?"
  menu options.

- "Lag-O-Meter" (tm ;)) probes the IRC server every 30 seconds and shows
  the current lag from 0-10+ in a gauge below the userlist. The Info 
  window also contains the three most recent measurements and the

- Heavily improved logging. All channel and query windows now have an 
  "L" button to the right of the input gadget, which is a toggle button 
  to activate the logging to a user-specified directory.

- "Favorites" window added to store the names of channels you use 
  regularly. Click on the channel name in a window to open.

- AmIRC now uses NList.mcc (if available) for its listviews. NList is 
  written by Gilles Masson (

- Stronger CTCP flood protection.

- DCC connections now work with Miami's SOCKS support.

- Files received via DCC are opened in shared mode during transfer,
  so you can play or view them partially while the transfer is still 
  in progress (esspecially for all you mp3 freaks out there :-)

- DCC receives now have the options to Replace a file. Both the send 
  and receive windows have Cleanup buttons, to remove old closed and 
  failed connections.

- DCCs now show the estimated remaining time of a transfer based
  on current throughput.

- Query windows now have an N button to change the nickname the window 
  is currently bound to.

- Background color of AmIRC's main listviews can now be configured.

- /AWAY messages are now filtered, and only shown once to avoid screen 
  cluttering when talking to someone who is set /AWAY.

- special "Invite" and "Oper" requesters

- Can now automatically accept DCC Send requests.

- Now sends pertinent information to query windows, such as /nick and 
  /QUIT messages from that user, as well as CTCP and DCC messages.


OS 2.04, 3.1 recommended.  MUI 3.6, 3.8 recommended.  Miami, AmiTCP, as225,
cpr225, inet225, MLink or a compatible TCP/IP stack.

Contents of comm/tcp/amirc_real.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                  833    1233  67.6% -lh5- c725 Jan 12  1998
[generic]               209752  245096  85.6% -lh5- c06f Jan 13  1997 AmIRC_20/AmIRC
[generic]                31624   98105  32.2% -lh5- 500f Jan 13  1998 AmIRC_20/AmIRC.doc
[generic]                  505    1391  36.3% -lh5- 002b Jan 12  1998 AmIRC_20/
[generic]                37748  126157  29.9% -lh5- 280a Jan 13  1998 AmIRC_20/
[generic]                 1329    1851  71.8% -lh5- 9700 Jan 12  1998 AmIRC_20/
[generic]                 1438    1959  73.4% -lh5- e65e Jan 12  1998 AmIRC_20/
[generic]                11953   28813  41.5% -lh5- d998 Jan 13  1998 AmIRC_20/AmIRC.readme
[generic]                  505    1391  36.3% -lh5- 2cc4 Jan 12  1998 AmIRC_20/
[generic]               209009  243868  85.7% -lh5- 679f Jan 13  1997 AmIRC_20/AmIRC020
[generic]                 1379    1876  73.5% -lh5- 6aa5 Jan 12  1998 AmIRC_20/
[generic]                  800    1233  64.9% -lh5- a558 Jan 12  1998 AmIRC_20/
[generic]                11235   27790  40.4% -lh5- 087b Aug  1  1997 AmIRC_20/Catalogs/CatalàAmIRC.catalog
[generic]                10986   27650  39.7% -lh5- e055 Aug  1  1997 AmIRC_20/Catalogs/Dansk/AmIRC.catalog
[generic]                12042   29616  40.7% -lh5- 77d2 Jan 12  1998 AmIRC_20/Catalogs/Deutsch/AmIRC.catalog
[generic]                11640   29648  39.3% -lh5- 0538 Aug  3  1997 AmIRC_20/Catalogs/Español/AmIRC.catalog
[generic]                11745   30122  39.0% -lh5- 7c13 Aug  1  1997 AmIRC_20/Catalogs/Français/AmIRC.catalog
[generic]                10468   27302  38.3% -lh5- ae90 Aug  1  1997 AmIRC_20/Catalogs/Italiano/AmIRC.catalog
[generic]                10687   27124  39.4% -lh5- 6835 Aug  1  1997 AmIRC_20/Catalogs/Nederlands/AmIRC.catalog
[generic]                10747   27166  39.6% -lh5- 0a28 Aug  1  1997 AmIRC_20/Catalogs/Norsk/AmIRC.catalog
[generic]                12308   28872  42.6% -lh5- 7b49 Aug 23  1997 AmIRC_20/Catalogs/Polski/AmIRC.catalog
[generic]                11350   27694  41.0% -lh5- de14 Aug  1  1997 AmIRC_20/Catalogs/Srpski/AmIRC.catalog
[generic]                11280   28036  40.2% -lh5- 3aaf Aug  1  1997 AmIRC_20/Catalogs/Suomi/AmIRC.catalog
[generic]                10608   26548  40.0% -lh5- 1303 Aug  1  1997 AmIRC_20/Catalogs/Svenska/AmIRC.catalog
[generic]                11978   27852  43.0% -lh5- 6e3c Aug  1  1997 AmIRC_20/Catalogs/ÃeÓtina/AmIRC.catalog
[generic]                 7520   33113  22.7% -lh5- 9e97 Jan 13  1998 AmIRC_20/Install_AmIRC
[generic]                 1025    1880  54.5% -lh5- b46d Jan 12  1998 AmIRC_20/
[generic]                 1361    3063  44.4% -lh5- 92d6 Jun  7  1997 AmIRC_20/MagicWB.readme
[generic]                  834    1432  58.2% -lh5- cf61 Jan 12  1998 AmIRC_20/
[generic]                11604   21692  53.5% -lh5- 5ea2 Jan  6  1998 AmIRC_20/MIMEPrefs
[generic]                 1308    1667  78.5% -lh5- 72a7 Jan 12  1998 AmIRC_20/
[generic]                  791    1233  64.2% -lh5- 6d53 Jan 12  1998 AmIRC_20/
[generic]                12023   25016  48.1% -lh5- 3566 Jan  6  1998 AmIRC_20/MUI/Listtree.mcc
[generic]                 4316   10192  42.3% -lh5- 58d5 Jan  6  1998 AmIRC_20/MUI/Listtree.mcp
[generic]                  531    1083  49.0% -lh5- 6073 Aug  1  1997 AmIRC_20/MUI/ReadMe.mui
[generic]                  526    1415  37.2% -lh5- 4b07 Aug  1  1997 AmIRC_20/MUI/
[generic]                14649   29944  48.9% -lh5- e7d8 Jan  6  1998 AmIRC_20/MUI/Textinput.mcc
[generic]                 5466   11524  47.4% -lh5- 1b4d Jan  6  1998 AmIRC_20/MUI/Textinput.mcp
[generic]                 1384    2192  63.1% -lh5- 41cf Jan  6  1998 AmIRC_20/MUI/Textinputscroll.mcc
[generic]                  798    1222  65.3% -lh5- d8e4 Jan 12  1998 AmIRC_20/
[generic]                 1582    2340  67.6% -lh5- 7f43 Jan  6  1998 AmIRC_20/Plugins/WallChop.AmIPlug
[generic]                 4587    9304  49.3% -lh5- e069 Jan 11  1998 AmIRC_20/Plugins/XDCC.AmIPlug
[generic]                 7650   16732  45.7% -lh5- a1ea Jan 11  1998 AmIRC_20/Plugins/XDCC_Prefs
[generic]                  821    1233  66.6% -lh5- 515b Jan 12  1998 AmIRC_20/
[generic]                 6307   17739  35.6% -lh5- 1e6b Jan 10  1998 AmIRC_20/Register-AmIRC/Reg_Deutsch.doc
[generic]                  507    1391  36.4% -lh5- 92bd Jan 10  1998 AmIRC_20/Register-AmIRC/
[generic]                 6959   20105  34.6% -lh5- cdf1 Jan 10  1998 AmIRC_20/Register-AmIRC/
[generic]                 1297    1817  71.4% -lh5- a8a3 Jan 10  1998 AmIRC_20/Register-AmIRC/
[generic]                 6006   17460  34.4% -lh5- d8c7 Jan 10  1998 AmIRC_20/Register-AmIRC/Reg_English.doc
[generic]                  505    1391  36.3% -lh5- 942f Jan 10  1998 AmIRC_20/Register-AmIRC/
[generic]                 6651   19855  33.5% -lh5- b6e1 Jan 10  1998 AmIRC_20/Register-AmIRC/
[generic]                 1299    1817  71.5% -lh5- f954 Jan 10  1998 AmIRC_20/Register-AmIRC/
[generic]                 6553   18811  34.8% -lh5- 3883 Jan 10  1998 AmIRC_20/Register-AmIRC/Reg_Francais.doc
[generic]                  507    1391  36.4% -lh5- 285a Jan 10  1998 AmIRC_20/Register-AmIRC/
[generic]                 7224   21386  33.8% -lh5- 18c7 Jan 10  1998 AmIRC_20/Register-AmIRC/
[generic]                 1300    1817  71.5% -lh5- e890 Jan 10  1998 AmIRC_20/Register-AmIRC/
[generic]                38821   78960  49.2% -lh5- e941 Jan 11  1998 AmIRC_20/Register-AmIRC/RegistrationUtility
[generic]                   20      20 100.0% -lh0- a7f2 Jan 10  1998 AmIRC_20/Register-AmIRC/Regtool-Deutsch
[generic]                  753    1427  52.8% -lh5- 6dec Jan 10  1998 AmIRC_20/Register-AmIRC/
[generic]                   20      20 100.0% -lh0- a7f2 Jan 10  1998 AmIRC_20/Register-AmIRC/Regtool-English
[generic]                  749    1427  52.5% -lh5- cff9 Jan 10  1998 AmIRC_20/Register-AmIRC/
[generic]                   20      20 100.0% -lh0- a7f2 Jan 10  1998 AmIRC_20/Register-AmIRC/Regtool-Francais
[generic]                  750    1426  52.6% -lh5- 6c95 Jan 10  1998 AmIRC_20/Register-AmIRC/
[generic]                   20      20 100.0% -lh0- a7f2 Jan 10  1998 AmIRC_20/Register-AmIRC/Regtool-Italiano
[generic]                  750    1428  52.5% -lh5- 487d Jan 11  1998 AmIRC_20/Register-AmIRC/
[generic]                   20      20 100.0% -lh0- a7f2 Jan 10  1998 AmIRC_20/Register-AmIRC/Regtool-Polski
[generic]                  750    1426  52.6% -lh5- c2f3 Jan 10  1998 AmIRC_20/Register-AmIRC/
[generic]                   20      20 100.0% -lh0- a7f2 Jan 10  1998 AmIRC_20/Register-AmIRC/Regtool-Svenska
[generic]                  751    1427  52.6% -lh5- 5bd3 Jan 10  1998 AmIRC_20/Register-AmIRC/
[generic]                  803    1233  65.1% -lh5- a0b4 Jan 12  1998 AmIRC_20/
[generic]                  467     918  50.9% -lh5- 9aeb Mar 26  1997 AmIRC_20/Rexx/barescript.amirx
[generic]                  545    1154  47.2% -lh5- a625 Mar 13  1997 AmIRC_20/Rexx/ECHO.amirx
[generic]                  740    1623  45.6% -lh5- 95fc Mar 13  1997 AmIRC_20/Rexx/ISOP.amirx
[generic]                  681    1469  46.4% -lh5- 70b3 Mar 13  1997 AmIRC_20/Rexx/MATCH.amirx
[generic]                  593    1157  51.3% -lh5- dcf2 Mar 13  1997 AmIRC_20/Rexx/RAW.amirx
[generic]                  910    2587  35.2% -lh5- 063f Jan 13  1998 AmIRC_20/Rexx/SendBrowser.AMIRX
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        76 files  826023 1517432  54.4%            Jan 23  1998
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