84782 packages online
comm/tcp/MiamiStartStop.lha |
No screenshot available
Short: | 2.60 Miami Controller/Full Online Details & Costs/Program Launcher & Shutdown |
Author: | sykoe sub.net.au |
Uploader: | sykoe sub net au |
Type: | comm/tcp |
Version: | 2.60 |
Architecture: | m68k-amigaos |
Date: | 1999-08-09 |
Requires: | RexxReqTools.library, RexxDosSupport.library (Enclosed) |
Replaces: | comm/tcp/MiamiStartStop.LHA |
Download: | comm/tcp/MiamiStartStop.lha - View contents | Readme: | comm/tcp/MiamiStartStop.readme |
Downloads: | 913 |
Miami Start/Stop(MSS) v2.60
By: Paul Demark
Nick: lanky
EMail: sykoe@sub.net.au
ICQ: 12298533
Web: http://www.sub.net.au/~sykoe
An Omniscient International
& Amiga Code Syndicate Publically
Released Program!
It's Features:
- Display connect speed.
- Online time which is reset proof.
- ReConnections after the initial connection for the current connection.
- Previous online connection time.
- Total connections, reconnections, passive offlines, and active offlines.
- Total online time for all connections, how long you have
- Full, 100% accurate Phone line costing for current, prior & total online time.
- Full 100% support of multiple day calculations of all possible events.
- ISP cost calculations for current, prior, total online time.
- Minimum & Maximum online time and date they occured.
- Day of the week amount of connections, Averages per week based on the day and Percentage of calls on what weekday.
- Shows current system time on the online details (if you forget what time it is .. or loose track ;).
- Averages/Percentages for per day and per connection for all possible items listed above as appropriate.
- Load, get online, offline, quit Miami with the choice of a setting file.
- Ability to check details of any connection time in MiamiDx easily.
- Miami aware self altering/adaptive GUI. (Changes GUI according to what Miami/Version you run)
- Change Miami's GUI status in various ways.
- Extensive Shell/CLI arguments support.
- Extensive external preferences editor.
- Preferences starter from within Miami Start/Stop with warnings if you are using an older/newer preferences editor.
- Startup/Shutdown script handling using a @{u}simple@{uu} 'smart' @{" language " link StartStop}.
- User definable delay between programs in Startup/Shutdown scripts.
- Fully definable Time/Date format.
- Ability to toggle expert menus (Smaller menus).
- User definable placement of the Menus upon the screen.
- User definable screen to open Miami Start/Stop upon.
- Ability to toggle Miami Quit/Offline verification.
- Ability to toggle Miami Auto-Online switch.
- Ability to toggle a switch to have Miami Start/Stop stay running all the time (with a quit still available).
- Recovery and smart handling in situations where not enough information is known or available.
- Way Many, Many, many more features.
Easy to use.
Contents of comm/tcp/MiamiStartStop.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 215 384 56.0% -lh5- dd97 Aug 8 1999 File_ID.DiZ
[generic] 1692 2740 61.8% -lh5- 5185 Oct 13 1998 MiamiStartStop.info
[generic] 1313 2950 44.5% -lh5- 7d30 Aug 8 1999 MiamiStartStop.Readme
[generic] 128 405 31.6% -lh5- 7897 Jan 3 1999 MiamiStartStop/ENV+ENVARC/MSS_Shutdown
[generic] 35 35 100.0% -lh0- d151 Sep 24 1998 MiamiStartStop/ENV+ENVARC/MSS_Startup
[generic] 215 384 56.0% -lh5- dd97 Aug 8 1999 MiamiStartStop/File_ID.DiZ
[generic] 5892 10972 53.7% -lh5- 6f0e Apr 8 1997 MiamiStartStop/Libs/rexxdossupport.library
[generic] 6534 11664 56.0% -lh5- 40e4 Aug 16 1994 MiamiStartStop/Libs/rexxreqtools.library
[generic] 15311 42069 36.4% -lh5- 96ac Aug 8 1999 MiamiStartStop/MiamiStartStop.Guide
[generic] 1842 3052 60.4% -lh5- fbf0 Jun 9 1998 MiamiStartStop/MiamiStartStop.Guide.info
[generic] 1313 2950 44.5% -lh5- 7d30 Aug 8 1999 MiamiStartStop/MiamiStartStop.Readme
[generic] 1235 2569 48.1% -lh5- 90a1 Jun 9 1998 MiamiStartStop/MiamiStartStop.Readme.info
[generic] 16678 71669 23.3% -lh5- 6450 Aug 8 1999 MiamiStartStop/MiamiStartStop2.Rexx
[generic] 1277 3597 35.5% -lh5- 4989 Aug 8 1999 MiamiStartStop/MSS
[generic] 2310 3100 74.5% -lh5- 0356 Aug 8 1999 MiamiStartStop/MSS.info
[generic] 13618 13844 98.4% -lh5- 887a Aug 8 1999 MiamiStartStop/MSSPrefs
[generic] 9 9 100.0% -lh0- c020 Oct 11 1998 MiamiStartStop/Prefs
[generic] 2507 3052 82.1% -lh5- 3662 Oct 13 1998 MiamiStartStop/Prefs.info
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 18 files 72124 175445 41.1% Aug 8 1999
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