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Short:OS timeclock resync tool (version 3.00)
Author: granta at (Grant Allen)
Uploader:granta mindspring com (Grant Allen)
Download:comm/net/TimeLord.lha - View contents

TimeLord: the system time manager from the western province
on Gallifrey (otherwise known as the U.S. of A.). It will
re-sync your system battery clock and the standard OS clock
with that of an internet host. This tool can be run both
from the command line and from the WorkBench. When run from
the WorkBench, the GUI has several additional features not
available to the transient command:

1) You can set up a list of hosts with which to re-sync.
   You can manually select a host from the list, or have
   it sequence down through the list, trying each host in
   sequence, until it either successfully connects with
   one or has failed to connect with all of the hosts
   in the list. You can also prioritize the entries by
   moving your favorite entry/entries to the top of the
   list. It will always re-sync from the top of the list
   down. Included are 3 hosts which connect to 3 separate
   addresses at the U.S. Naval Observatory Atomic Clock
   in Washington D.C. (USA), which uses Universal time, rather
   than Eastern time, which is why it's timezone is set
   to GMT. I have included all 3 because not all of them
   are always available (I have had trouble, from time to
   time, connecting with each one). TimeLord also adjusts
   for unexpected things like unusual system base years (the
   provided hosts all have a system base year of 1900!)
2) Can be configured to re-sync the clocks at a regular
   interval. It is currently configured to continually
   re-sync the system clocks at 10 minute intervals while
   you are on line. When this feature kicks in to perform
   a re-sync, it attempts to re-sync using the "sequence
   through hosts" feature mentioned in #1. This automatic
   re-sync feature can be disabled by setting the re-sync
   interval to 0 minutes, or through commodities exchange.
3) Window can be shrunk and moved off to the side allowing
   it to be run as a background daemon. It also installs
   itself as a commodity allowing you to completely close
   the window, and even disable the auto-resync feature
   mentioned in #2.


The latest version of this tool, and many others developed by me,
can be found at my web site at:

I am frequently updating this tool in particular. So, for the
latest, drop by.


Please don't break up this archive if you upload it elsewhere.

You are not allowed to charge for the distribution of this
utility. I retain all rights to it, but I am not charging any
fees for its use. It is fully operational (not crippleware),
and contains NO nag screens!!! All help is built in.


Please drop me a message letting me know what you think of it...
suggestions, bug reports, comments, ...

Contents of comm/net/TimeLord.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                  860    1636  52.6% -lh5- 8f02 Jun  3  1999
[generic]                 3983   10466  38.1% -lh5- 003e Jul 30  1999 timelord/PROGRAMMING.NOTE
[generic]               183306  433928  42.2% -lh5- 411a Aug  6  1999 timelord/TimeLord
[generic]                  161     282  57.1% -lh5- eebf Jun 18  1999 timelord/TimeLord.config
[generic]                 6377   15124  42.2% -lh5- 9401 Aug  6  1999 timelord/TimeLord.doc
[generic]                  389     835  46.6% -lh5- b64a Jun  3  1999 timelord/
[generic]                 1424    2968  48.0% -lh5- 12b0 Aug  6  1999 timelord/TimeLord.readme
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total         7 files  196500  465239  42.2%            Aug  8  1999
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