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Short:BEST TimeBank for TA (By D. Lascelles)
Author:David Lascelles (FidoNet 2:256/503, Snail below!)
Uploader:dan adolf demon co uk (Dan Brooke)
Download:comm/bbs/timebank53.lha - View contents

Timebank 5.3 by David Lascelles

Overview and Setup
Timebank is a Arexx script to use on your BBS to allow users to store any
extra time they have for a later session. This version is known to work
with Transamiga BBS software v1.2g3 and it should work with those releases
below and above. To use the proggy, put the following in your extra.rx
script inside your configs directory

 T Timebank                10 -------- Timebank.trans

Please note that the spacing is important..

Then move all the text files to your text directory (text: ??) and
Timebank.trans into your rexx directory. 

I was considering writing an install script for use with installer - but I
didn't bother, because the proggy is easy enough to install. When you have
moved these files into their respective directories then you need to run
the configurator proggy - this has replaced editing Timebank by hand - and
also means that Timebank could be compressed. In the Config proggy you will
be asked some simple questions which you must answer - IF TBCFG won't run
then you'll have to edit the config by hand - see the configs/timebank.cfg
for more information on this. The TBCFG should run on all versions from 2.0
upwards. You MUST copy the libs into LIBS: before using. 

NOTE: All directory names _*MUST*_ end in / if they do not exist, although
they can end in : if they do. I have added auto-creation as it. The files :
join, dir, type and copy and move need to be in your c: directory - or what
ever directory you assign to this in the configs proggy.

If you find that Timebank can't find a command then you'll have to assign
cdir to "" and see if that helps - you can do that by running the config
and changing the C: dir option to nothing. This may happen on miggies from
2.0+ but MAKESURE you make all commands resident if you do that -
including join - do that in your User-startup.

Timebank v5.0 features the following:

Allows users to :
                  deposit time, upto limit set by Sysop
                  withdraw as much time as they have in their accout
                  deposit all and logoff 
                  page the sysop and use special ANSI pager
                  send messages to other timebank users
                  see their own and other users stats
                  recieve free time when first entering, from Sysop
                  use "Rob the Bank" gambling feature
                  Transfer money to other user and let them know about it!
                  see an excellent clock (available as seperate proggy)
                  see the Banks own statistics!

Allows Sysop to :
                 monitor users in timebank carefully
                 use Sysop module to edit their users' time in bank
                 (by pressing / at the menu)
                 configure easy to use GUI config proggy
                 and play with the rob the bank feature whilst giving
                 themselves extra time!

As I have not recieved one Netmail from anyone saying they Use Timebank -
I therefore presume that none does. Becuase of this IIhave not bothered
adding ANSI key support to the proggy. This will allow users to pick other
users to examine/send messages to using the cursor keys and may also allow
users to send pictures (ASCII) to each other. If you like this program and
use it then you are obliged to Register it. Registration is available for
10ukp. Please send your money to:

David Lascelles
Silver Howe,
High Shincliffe,
Dh1 2qp

And include your name and fido address. All vesions released upto 6.0 will
be sent to you - after that they will be available for FREQ from here.
Non-registered people will not get another copy of Timebank later than
this. As soon as you have registered I will send you a version which has
built in chatting, time transfers and allows users to send more than one
message. These are disabled in this script.


Any errors/suggestions can be sent to me at my Fidonet address or at the
addresses listed at the bottom. My BBs number is also there. Please
contact me with any comments.

V5.2 - I have changed the config creator so that it is GUI - OLD configs
canot be used - but theuserfiles are in the same format as v5.1 and 5.2.
Also it will now call up the Chat.trans which is in your rexxdir instead
of using the built in one.

V5.1 - I have fixed one bug in the proggy and have added the ability to
have more than one message at a time to one person, and the ability to
tell a person that a transfer is from you. Other features may well be
added later!

V5.0 A major bugfix one - the script could cause loads of problems on some
BBss - especially non Workbench 3.0 ones - including no-saving of user
files, that has now been fixed. I have added a BankInfo part to the proggy
and you must either delete your previous logfile or add a line to the
bottom (pressing return afterwards) to tell the proggy what this info file
is to be called - it CAN NOT be in the user directory! I have also changed
the sysop detecting facilities so that it tells you how to get to the
sysops menu if you have the access instead of you having to remember. I
have made the Configurator executable using Execrexx, made the code
messier ;) and altered little bits for smoothness and niceness I have yet
to add the features described in v4.2 future part - but I am considering

V4.2 The 9th updated version and just a slight upgrade. The reason for
the 4.2 is that a version called 4.1 was going around - but did not have
different docs! I have not found a proggy that allows me to turn arexx
scripts into executables that even people without arexx can use - nor ones
which work sufficiently well with arexx running, I will investigate into
this further. I have updated some of the text screens and have added a
couple more of each to give you more choice (of course you may customerise
your own screens - as long as they have the credits somewhere!). I can't
really think of much else to add so this may well be the last version of
timebank for a while. The next obbvious things are going to be RIP
graphics, hotkeys, language support and maybe move movebility so that you
can goto the main menu or file or message menus from Timebank - this would
not be pretty simple to add.

V4.0 The 8th updated version and the first major upgrade since version 2.0.
I have got rid of any small bugs/errors that I could find, and have updated
the text files. Also I have added a User Stats facility and have changed
the user-handling so it is now much better. I have also changed the whole
feel to the proggy and have added better ANSI support, as well as a
directory checker to see if the directories you have assigned actually
exist. I have also added better erro detecting and Carrier loss functions
and have added a config proggy to do the hard work for you - this means
that Timebank takes slightly longer to load up - as it needs to read it. I
have also added a Sysop menu so that you can edit users' time (by pressing
/ at the menu). I have also finally compacted the code - the next aim
being to get Config.rexx to run on its own - which will be in V. 4.1

V3.15 The seventh updated version. I have added a "Send message to user"
option and have finally removed all the references to money in the
timebank! I have also added better user handling and support for Kilobyte
banking will follow - although, as yet no conversion between kilobytes and
time. If you would be interested in a feature of this source then please
tell me. I had planned to Ansimize the screens - however with a bit of
trial (and unfortuanately error) I found that this is not good for the
screns and can lead to part of the data being lost. The mail send and
recieve in this proggy was courtesy of Keith Suderman and Roger Clark who
wrote that Fmail proggy which many of us use. I implemented their code and
altered it to suit the different needs of the Timebank. Thanks guys!

V3.10 The Sixth updated version. Now the code is mostly mine, as I have
implemented a brilliant chat proggy written by Ian Willis - please read
enclosed docs. Again I have altered some of the variable names and have
editted other parts of the script to make it more readable. ANSI is now
implemented in the text itself, and I have also added the Rob-The-Bank
feature. All the other features remain - but I have updated the Transfer a
bit to make it slightly better. Still to be improved are the Statistics
side of it, and I would also like to add a kilo-byte deposit section as
well as better overall user-handling. Any ideas ? (8.5/10)

V3.00 Never released...

V2.95 The Fifth updated version. Timebank.trans is now almost entirely my
own code and is therefor copyrighted by me at the top.I have re-edited the
ANSI screens to remove alot of the colour I had added in places with out
text, as this slowed down the screen hugely and made it unbearable for 2400
users. I also added the built in TA page option, and I hope to extend this
into a custom page in v3.0+. I have also changed the variable names to more
sensible ones, ie maxon for the maximum online time a user may give
him/herself.Tried to implement ANSI into the text, but gave up as it was
proving to troublesome to redefine all the codes for ANSI and Non-ANSI
users...Maybe in v3.0. (8/10)

V2.9 The Fifth updated version. (Well the fourth actually).Transfer and
Userlisting addedd in a rather cumbersome way.ANSI and ASCII screens
updated and all options moved into variables at the Top so that lower part
of script can remain untouched.Now can limit the amount of time gained by
using Fraud Screen, or disallow it using easy to configure commands.Removed
some of the beeps at the end of screens.(7/10)

V2.2 The third updated version. Not released at all as bug in Transfer
meant that it only worked randomly.(6/10)

V2.1 The second updated version. I changed the ANSI and ASCII menus to make
them look smarter and more orthodox.I added an option to change the
password for the fraud screen without having to go through the script. I
also added an extra screen with two new options, Depositing all and Logging
Off.I also made the script a bit strange to follow. And VERY messy.
(6/10).Also Tested out on The Pitts BBS.

V2.0 The first updated version. I added ANSI and ASCII external menus, a
fraud screen and I also added a titchy Hello.Doc. Only was uploaded onto
the Pitts BBS, and tested briefly there.(6/10)

V1.10 The release I first downloaded, it was Ok, the script worked, its
menus were internal and it did it's job which was to store users time. It
was written by Jim L. Brideau, a person I have never met nor spoken to, and
it was available simply as 'Timebank.trans' with no accompaning Docs or
Copyright notices.(4/10)


V5.2 (6??) In Version 5.2, I will sparkle up the mail send and userlist
options, I am more keen on having it list the users directory than having a
standard userlist so this means that there can only be users files in
there. If Sami adds kilobyte support in fully then I will also add this,
and will also add hotkey support and maybe RIP menus if they ever takeoff.
I would also like to use the proggy which the Sysop has stored as
Chat.trans for the chat proggy - but I haven't worked out how to yet! If
anyone fancies turning the language part of it into another language then I
would be happy to intergrate this as well, as I would with any other
functions you may suggest especially a guide for this doc!! But that is all
in the future - at least a night or two away...

Thanks go  to C=> for the Amiga and to Tim and Sami for Transamiga, the
best Amiga BBS Software.Ian Willis should also be thanked for his chat
proggy and also for his BBS Lister and Mail Door. Greg Kerr and Stuart
Gillibrand for excellent proggies of theirs which I use and to all other
people who have made proggies that I use!

If you have any problems or queries or just want to drop by for a chat, my
BBS is online 24 hours on +44-(0)91-3832181. Or at any of the following

                Fidonet 2:256/503      A/\/\/\/ET 69:69/0
                MercuryNet 240:360/306 AmigaNet 39:131/2

A little information on AmNet is included in this Archive!

Contents of comm/bbs/timebank53.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                  249     628  39.6% -lh5- 26b2 May  8  1995 bbs/
[generic]                  480     996  48.2% -lh5- 02f8 May  8  1995 bbs/configs/timebank.cfg
[generic]                  372    2785  13.4% -lh5- 96e6 Oct 26  1994 bbs/text/fraud
[generic]                  418    2585  16.2% -lh5- 2515 Oct 26  1994 bbs/text/fraud.ansi
[generic]                  233    1057  22.0% -lh5- 1dd0 Dec 31  1994 bbs/text/Paging
[generic]                  344    1622  21.2% -lh5- d907 Oct 26  1994 bbs/text/robber
[generic]                  517    2984  17.3% -lh5- 02c3 Oct 26  1994 bbs/text/ROBBER.ANSI
[generic]                  330    1263  26.1% -lh5- bc76 May  8  1995 bbs/text/timebank
[generic]                  101     415  24.3% -lh5- 0efc Apr 12  1995 bbs/text/TMABOVE
[generic]                  115     324  35.5% -lh5- b2b1 Oct 26  1994 bbs/text/TMBELOW
[generic]                 6908   24655  28.0% -lh5- ce7d May 31  1995 bbs/rexx/timebank.trans
[generic]                  301    1530  19.7% -lh5- c8ab Dec 31  1994 bbs/text/Paging.ANSI
[generic]                  466    1947  23.9% -lh5- 6781 May  8  1995 bbs/text/timebank.ansi
[generic]                  108     412  26.2% -lh5- 8af9 Apr 12  1995 bbs/text/TMABOVE.ANSI
[generic]                  136     349  39.0% -lh5- 2fd3 Oct 26  1994 bbs/text/TMBELOW.ANSI
[generic]                 5371    8848  60.7% -lh5- bf39 May  8  1995 c/TBCfg
[generic]                 1366    2665  51.3% -lh5- 8f77 Apr 11  1995 docs/ReadMe!
[generic]                 5368   12420  43.2% -lh5- 7229 May  8  1995 docs/Timebank.doc
[generic]                 1940    2524  76.9% -lh5- 8c12 May  2  1995 libs/rexxsupport.library
[generic]                  249     628  39.6% -lh5- 26b2 May  8  1995
[generic]                  254     628  40.4% -lh5- 5e9f May  8  1995
[generic]                  249     628  39.6% -lh5- 26b2 May  8  1995
[generic]                14638   14638 100.0% -lh0- 8a18 Feb 13  1995 Goodies.Lha
[generic]                  249     628  39.6% -lh5- 26b2 May  8  1995
[generic]                 7505   11116  67.5% -lh5- d677 Dec 30  1994 libs/requester.library
[generic]                23636   45152  52.3% -lh5- 6b79 Apr  4  1994 libs/rexxarplib.library
[generic]                 6534   11664  56.0% -lh5- 40e4 Aug 16  1994 libs/rexxreqtools.library
[generic]                24803   33392  74.3% -lh5- 2cd1 May  2  1995 libs/rexxsyslib.library
[generic]                  804    2597  31.0% -lh5- cfc3 May  4  1995 urginf.doc
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        29 files  104044  191080  54.5%            Jun  2  1995
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