84782 packages online
comm/bbs/ditopfile.lha |
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I made DITopFile (DTF) because of Tor W. Austerslått's PopFile v1.5
has/had a bug that crashed my computer almost every night the
midnight script was runned.. So, I made my own :)
DTF is copyrighted by me, Dr. Ice/LSC all rights reserved.. DTF
is not SW or any other stupid -WARE products, but the Copyright
still remains as it is.. If you like DTF, you could EMAIL me :)
I can not be held responsible if DTF should crash er damage
your HW/SW, use it on your own risk!!..
What is DTF !?
DITopFile is yet another product by me Dr. Ice/Lisence.. This small
bulletin creator will create a "MOST POPULAR DOWNLOADED FILE"
bulletin for ABBS..
Example Output..
* Top-Files v1.00 - by Dr. Ice/GMS^LSC *
Last updated: 02-Aug-96 (16:03:23)
01 STROKE.LHA 31-Jan-99 Available files on Key Stroke 50
02 siri_2.jpg 26-Dec-95 Siri K 23
03 thor222_main.lha 23-Dec-95 Offline reader, main archive (requir 21
04 amigae32a_e.lha 07-Aug-95 Amiga E v3.2a extras archive 15
05 amigae32a.lha 07-Aug-95 Amiga E v3.2a distribution archive. 15
06 thor222_bbs.lha 23-Dec-95 BBS archive for THOR 2.22 (QWK/FIDO/ 14
07 ncomm306.lha 10-Mar-96 ncomm306 14
08 HDPass.lha 07-Dec-95 Password system for Hard Drives. 12
09 PAMELA03.MPG 07-Aug-95 Pamela Anderson 12
10 ors_pt3c.lha 23-Feb-96 ProTracker V3.30 beta 2 12
11 thor222_inet.lha 23-Dec-95 Internet archive for THOR 2.22 (TCP/ 12
12 MUI33usr.lha 09-Mar-96 MagicUserInterface version 3.3 12
Total Files DL (Files): 3984 Total Download (Files): 571785 KB
Total Files DL (Users): 4190 Total Download (Users): 634192 KB
Average per DL (Files): 143.52 KB Average per DL (Users): 151.36 KB
If you find any bugs, then please contact me as soon as possible..
You can contacte me with on (or two) of these ways:
E-MAIL: kaarej@barentsnett.no
BBS : Key Stroke BBS - +47-7847-1042 (Norway)
- Have fun -
Signed: dR. iCE/lISENCE
Contents of comm/bbs/ditopfile.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 3471 6876 50.5% -lh5- 7e68 Aug 2 1996 ditopfile
[generic] 1320 3092 42.7% -lh5- 7374 Aug 2 1996 ditopfile.readme
[generic] 720 2181 33.0% -lh5- 8834 Jul 7 1996 STROKE.displayme
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 3 files 5511 12149 45.4% Aug 7 1996
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