84782 packages online
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Short: | Powerfull Bulletin Creatore for FAME BBS |
Author: | dr.dre devilspoint.niederrhein.de (Bodo Hoffmann) |
Uploader: | dr dre devilspoint niederrhein de (Bodo Hoffmann) |
Type: | comm/bbs |
Architecture: | m68k-amigaos |
Date: | 1996-09-17 |
Download: | comm/bbs/d_top10.lha - View contents | Readme: | comm/bbs/d_top10.readme |
Downloads: | 523 |
dre!top is a fast and powerfull bulletin-creator for FAME BBS@, which
features the following things.
- unlimit number of bulletins
- creation of upto 128 bulls at one time, no need to multiple call
- FULL user configable (header/body/tailer) with powerfull command sequences
- more than 30 command sequences
- sortable in about than 10 categories (user defineable)
- 8 supplied and already really nice colored config-files
- needs less than 4 seconds to create 10 bulls on my 030 machine
(including reading user.data with a size of 120 kb (160 users)
- and even some more nice options...
This door needs the any version of FAME and the DRE.library which is
in the Archive included.
Listing of archive 'd!top10.lha':
Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- -------- -------------
1606 471 70.6% 15-Sep-96 15:23:58 dRE!tOP_PUB/Configs/BBSSTATS.cfg
1462 539 63.1% 15-Sep-96 15:24:06 dRE!tOP_PUB/Configs/TOPCALL.cfg
1514 529 65.0% 15-Sep-96 15:24:10 dRE!tOP_PUB/Configs/TOPCPS.cfg
1535 556 63.7% 15-Sep-96 15:24:16 dRE!tOP_PUB/Configs/TOPDL.cfg
1691 571 66.2% 15-Sep-96 15:24:22 dRE!tOP_PUB/Configs/TOPMSG.cfg
1534 570 62.8% 15-Sep-96 15:24:26 dRE!tOP_PUB/Configs/TOPPAGE.cfg
1555 553 64.4% 15-Sep-96 15:24:30 dRE!tOP_PUB/Configs/TOPUL.cfg
1523 516 66.1% 15-Sep-96 15:24:34 dRE!tOP_PUB/Configs/USERLIST.cfg
21428 7050 67.0% 15-Sep-96 14:46:08 dRE!tOP_PUB/Guides/Pictures/Bull1.iff
21098 6717 68.1% 15-Sep-96 14:46:18 dRE!tOP_PUB/Guides/Pictures/Bull2.iff
18134 5861 67.6% 15-Sep-96 14:46:42 dRE!tOP_PUB/Guides/Pictures/Bull3.iff
18712 5759 69.2% 15-Sep-96 14:46:58 dRE!tOP_PUB/Guides/Pictures/Bull4.iff
20672 6955 66.3% 15-Sep-96 21:24:04 dRE!tOP_PUB/Guides/dRE!tOP.guide
1908 1025 46.2% 31-Jul-96 13:30:22 dRE!tOP_PUB/Guides/dRE!tOP.guide.info
16026 5191 67.6% 15-Sep-96 14:47:04 dRE!tOP_PUB/Guides/Pictures/Bull5.iff
15638 5035 67.8% 15-Sep-96 14:47:14 dRE!tOP_PUB/Guides/Pictures/Bull6.iff
12050 3580 70.2% 15-Sep-96 14:47:24 dRE!tOP_PUB/Guides/Pictures/Bull7.iff
22162 6189 72.0% 15-Sep-96 14:47:34 dRE!tOP_PUB/Guides/Pictures/Bull8.iff
66088 38411 41.8% 09-Sep-94 01:46:38 dRE!tOP_PUB/Guides/Pictures/PPShow
1995 1100 44.8% 15-Sep-96 19:15:38 dRE!tOP_PUB/Install/Deutsch.info
1995 1098 44.9% 15-Sep-96 17:37:56 dRE!tOP_PUB/Install/English.info
6790 2169 68.0% 15-Sep-96 21:01:18 dRE!tOP_PUB/Install/INSTALL_DRETOP
5784 3521 39.1% 15-Sep-96 20:25:06 dRE!tOP_PUB/Libs/DRE.library
134 93 30.5% 14-Sep-96 20:08:36 dRE!tOP_PUB/LogoffBatch/dRE!tOP.bat
1229 597 51.4% 15-Sep-96 19:20:24 dRE!tOP_PUB.info
12660 6639 47.5% 15-Sep-96 21:32:34 dRE!tOP_PUB/Files/dRE!tOP
450 250 44.4% 15-Sep-96 21:25:36 FILE_ID.DIZ
3239 1302 59.8% 15-Sep-96 21:33:32 d!top10.lha.readme
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
280612 112847 59.7% 15-Sep-96 21:34:26 28 files
Contents of comm/bbs/d_top10.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 471 1606 29.3% -lh5- 59e8 Sep 15 1996 dRE!tOP_PUB/Configs/BBSSTATS.cfg
[generic] 539 1462 36.9% -lh5- 5c72 Sep 15 1996 dRE!tOP_PUB/Configs/TOPCALL.cfg
[generic] 529 1514 34.9% -lh5- 8e78 Sep 15 1996 dRE!tOP_PUB/Configs/TOPCPS.cfg
[generic] 556 1535 36.2% -lh5- 2b99 Sep 15 1996 dRE!tOP_PUB/Configs/TOPDL.cfg
[generic] 571 1691 33.8% -lh5- 594c Sep 15 1996 dRE!tOP_PUB/Configs/TOPMSG.cfg
[generic] 570 1534 37.2% -lh5- c43d Sep 15 1996 dRE!tOP_PUB/Configs/TOPPAGE.cfg
[generic] 553 1555 35.6% -lh5- cad0 Sep 15 1996 dRE!tOP_PUB/Configs/TOPUL.cfg
[generic] 516 1523 33.9% -lh5- e251 Sep 15 1996 dRE!tOP_PUB/Configs/USERLIST.cfg
[generic] 7050 21428 32.9% -lh5- da68 Sep 15 1996 dRE!tOP_PUB/Guides/Pictures/Bull1.iff
[generic] 6717 21098 31.8% -lh5- 4163 Sep 15 1996 dRE!tOP_PUB/Guides/Pictures/Bull2.iff
[generic] 5861 18134 32.3% -lh5- 7a7b Sep 15 1996 dRE!tOP_PUB/Guides/Pictures/Bull3.iff
[generic] 5759 18712 30.8% -lh5- 7de5 Sep 15 1996 dRE!tOP_PUB/Guides/Pictures/Bull4.iff
[generic] 6955 20672 33.6% -lh5- 6aa2 Sep 15 1996 dRE!tOP_PUB/Guides/dRE!tOP.guide
[generic] 1025 1908 53.7% -lh5- 3a46 Jul 31 1996 dRE!tOP_PUB/Guides/dRE!tOP.guide.info
[generic] 5191 16026 32.4% -lh5- 48ec Sep 15 1996 dRE!tOP_PUB/Guides/Pictures/Bull5.iff
[generic] 5035 15638 32.2% -lh5- aa1a Sep 15 1996 dRE!tOP_PUB/Guides/Pictures/Bull6.iff
[generic] 3580 12050 29.7% -lh5- 4248 Sep 15 1996 dRE!tOP_PUB/Guides/Pictures/Bull7.iff
[generic] 6189 22162 27.9% -lh5- 005b Sep 15 1996 dRE!tOP_PUB/Guides/Pictures/Bull8.iff
[generic] 38411 66088 58.1% -lh5- b42e Sep 9 1994 dRE!tOP_PUB/Guides/Pictures/PPShow
[generic] 1100 1995 55.1% -lh5- 2586 Sep 15 1996 dRE!tOP_PUB/Install/Deutsch.info
[generic] 1098 1995 55.0% -lh5- 4425 Sep 15 1996 dRE!tOP_PUB/Install/English.info
[generic] 2169 6790 31.9% -lh5- 0f0d Sep 15 1996 dRE!tOP_PUB/Install/INSTALL_DRETOP
[generic] 3521 5784 60.9% -lh5- aeca Sep 15 1996 dRE!tOP_PUB/Libs/DRE.library
[generic] 93 134 69.4% -lh5- 7c3f Sep 14 1996 dRE!tOP_PUB/LogoffBatch/dRE!tOP.bat
[generic] 597 1229 48.6% -lh5- b241 Sep 15 1996 dRE!tOP_PUB.info
[generic] 6639 12660 52.4% -lh5- 5170 Sep 15 1996 dRE!tOP_PUB/Files/dRE!tOP
[generic] 250 450 55.6% -lh5- 4a0e Sep 15 1996 file_id.diz
[generic] 1298 3239 40.1% -lh5- 1434 Sep 15 1996 d!top10.lha.readme
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 28 files 112843 280612 40.2% Sep 17 1996
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