This is Space Empire based on the original CNET door by Jon Radnof.
This is the Citadel version of that door with many many new features
and enhancementes! This door is donationware. You may send any
donation you wish to recieve the registration key.
In Space Empire, you compete with up to 25 other players attempting
to control the universe and become the glorious Space Lord. The
route is difficult and there are many enemies along the way(usually
the other players...:). This is a economic and strategy game of
intense warfare. You must balance the economic needs of your Empire
along with your military ones. Keep your people happy, feed them,
and make sure you do the same for you military and you will be just
starting to scratch the surface of this complex military game.
This is a STDIO BBS door that can be run with Citadel, DLG, or any
BBS program that supports that door type. This door was originally
written for Citadel BBSes but has also become fairly popular with
DLG sysops.
Citadel is a Freeware BBS program that is a port from the IBM Citadel.
It supports file up/down loads, networking, public, private, hidden,
and anonymous message areas. Citadel is a Room based BBS.
The full source for Citadel and its utilities is available from
The Amiga Zone BBS (609)953-8159, the primary support BBS.
Tony Preston, original door by Jon Radnof
Custom Services
P. O. Box 254
Moorestown, NJ 08057