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I got fed up with the find option on E! not searching the CD's that I
have in the filebase, so wrote this little ARexx script to run the Find
program by soenke.tesch@elmshorn.netsurf.de. All it does is give the
user the option to search file base, CD or both..But it actually
searches the CD base, instead of skipping over it..The find program is
included to make life a little easier.
Paul Compton:- 2:251/18.0@fidonet
Elevate BBS:- 44-(0) 1329319028 24 hours BBS
home page:- www.elevate.demon.co.uk
Find.lha is included by kind permission of the
============ Archive contents ======================
Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- -------- -------------
1748 898 48.6% 29-Jun-97 18:58:28 ESearch.readme
3827 3827 0.0% 24-Jun-97 20:02:26 Find.lha
448 127 71.6% 24-Jun-97 20:14:54 resultmenu
6775 1754 74.1% 29-Jun-97 18:51:26 Search.REXX
1471 356 75.7% 25-Jun-97 10:23:38 Searchmenu
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
14269 6962 51.2% 29-Jun-97 18:59:14 5 files
Contents of comm/bbs/ESearch.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 659 1256 52.5% -lh5- 8c40 Jun 30 1997 EXCELBBS/Doors/Search/Aminet/ESearch.readme
[generic] 3827 3827 100.0% -lh0- 1e90 Jun 24 1997 EXCELBBS/Doors/Search/Aminet/Find.lha
[generic] 127 448 28.3% -lh5- da0b Jun 24 1997 EXCELBBS/Doors/Search/Aminet/resultmenu
[generic] 1754 6775 25.9% -lh5- 8cc6 Jun 29 1997 EXCELBBS/Doors/Search/Aminet/Search.REXX
[generic] 356 1471 24.2% -lh5- 5775 Jun 25 1997 EXCELBBS/Doors/Search/Aminet/Searchmenu
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 5 files 6723 13777 48.8% Jul 1 1997
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