************ Read HISTORY section for 2.1 -> 2.2 Changes *************
CDM 2.1 Manual
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Author: Vis Naidu
NET: naiduvv@meena.cc.uregina.ca
BBS: ThE TeKKnoZone
300-14400 Bps
Running M A X's BBS 1.54 [PD]
Date: Jun.1.96
Title: CDM (CD-Rom Manager) v2.1
CDM (CD-ROM Manager) 2.1 is the latest PUBLIC RELEASE version of a new
powerful ARexx program that runs as a CLI/StdIO door for BBS's. It is
a CD-Rom file management/transfer utility with numerous features, that
will be discussed later. In this version, there are 7 different REXX
scripts for the following CD's:
o AmiNET CD 2
o AmiNET CD 4
o InterNET Info 02.95
o Night Owl 12
All files contained in the CDROM, REXX and SCRIPTS directories can be
altered or modified for your own use. They are FREEWARE. All files in
the XPRD directory are part of the eXternal PRotocol Driver
1.13 package which is copyright Oliver Wagner, and is SHAREWARE. All
files in the LIBS: directory are FREELY DISTRIBUTABLE external file
transfer protocol libraries. All files in the C: directory are either
SHAREWARE or FREEWARE. Information about registering any of the above
are included when running the programs by themselves. This package can
therefore be considered FREEWARE , and hence I take no responsibility
of anything that should occur when running the included programs. All
have run without problems on an Amiga 2000HD w/ 5Mb RAM.
Virtually all files and directories included in this package have been
commented for your convenience. Please take a moment to read these as
they will assist you during your installation and understanding of how
this entire package works. To install the software, do the following:
1) Copy ALL files in the C/ directory into your C: ( ie. Sys:C/ )
2) Copy the CDROM/ directory and all its contents to your DOORS: area
( giving you a DOORS:CDROM/ directory ).
3) Copy ALL files in the LIBS/ directory into your LIBS: assignment.
4) Copy ALL files in the REXX/ directory to your BBS:Rexx/ directory
and assign REXX: to that directory.
5) Copy the XPRD directory and all its contents to your DOORS: area.
6) MAX's BBS users, copy ALL the files from the SCRIPTS/ directory
to your Doors:MAXShell (assuming you have MAXShell installed). You
will probably want to assign MS: to the DOORS:MAXSHELL directory,
but is not necessary.
7) To setup the doors for use in MAX's BBS, do the following:
* For the AmiNET 2 CD, an entry similar to what follows is needed:
Key Function Extra Lo High FileName/Path/Dest/Etc...
X 34 0 5 10000 MS:MAXShell CD6-StartUp -c -d -s_
* For the AmiNET 4 CD, an entry similar to what follows is needed:
Key Function Extra Lo High FileName/Path/Dest/Etc...
X 34 0 5 10000 MS:MAXShell CD7-StartUp -c -d -s_
* For the AMUC 1 CD, an entry similar to what follows is needed:
Key Function Extra Lo High FileName/Path/Dest/Etc...
X 34 0 5 10000 MS:MAXShell CD3-StartUp -c -d -s_
* For the AMUC 2 CD, an entry similar to what follows is needed:
Key Function Extra Lo High FileName/Path/Dest/Etc...
X 34 0 5 10000 MS:MAXShell CD4-StartUp -c -d -s_
* For the AMUC 3 CD, an entry similar to what follows is needed:
Key Function Extra Lo High FileName/Path/Dest/Etc...
X 34 0 5 10000 MS:MAXShell CD5-StartUp -c -d -s_
* For the InterNET Info CD, enter similar to what follows:
Key Function Extra Lo High FileName/Path/Dest/Etc...
X 34 0 5 10000 MS:MAXShell CD2#-StartUp -c -d -s_
( Where # is anything from 0 to 9, A, B )
This is due to the fact that you may wish to load this CD in parts,
as it contains several thousand directories in all. Read what is in
each of these CD##-StartUp files to find out how you can use these.
I've set mine up in 11 sections/categories. Look in the InterNet/
directory in your Doors:CDROM/ path to find out what those are.
* Foe the Night Owl 12 CD, enter similar to what follows:
Key Function Extra Lo High FileName/Path/Dest/Etc...
X 34 0 5 10000 MS:MAXShell CD1-StartUp -c -d -s_
8) To set up the any/all of the REXX files for use with standard CLI
or StdIO supported BBS's, you will need to do as follows:
o Add an entry to call one of the included CD##-StartUp scripts in
CLI mode (eg. for TransAmiga BBS users using TrShell/TAShell),or
add them into an ARexx script that enables you to load your BBS
software's CLI door interface and run the respective programs.
o The commandline for each .REXX file is as follows:
AmiNET 2 -> Rx AmiNET2.Rexx {Screen Length}
AmiNET 4 -> Rx AmiNET4.Rexx {Screen Length}
AMUC 1 -> Rx AMUC1.Rexx {Screen Length}
AMUC 2 -> Rx AMUC2.Rexx {Screen Length}
AMUC 3 -> Rx AMUC3.Rexx {Screen Length}
InterNET -> Rx InterNET.Rexx {Screen Length} {Dir File}
NightOwl 12 -> Rx NightOwl12.Rexx {Screen Length}
Where {Screen Length} is the numerical value of the users
terminal screen length.
Where {Dir File} is the name of the directory listing file that
contains all the paths required by the InterNET.Rexx ONLY.
9) You should be complete at this point. Test the desired version of
CDM out and ensure it works as you wish it to.
Each .REXX file (except for CDType.Rexx and CDType2.Rexx) are CDM 2.1,
but different versions for different CD's. The following is a list of
features common to ALL these different MODES:
o Support for 6 File Transfer Protocols. I've included 2 other XPR
protocol libraries that you can add yourself.
o Support for 11 different Archive formats. I'll add more with the
next major update.
o Support for ANSI Gfx ( 256 characters ), Color or B/W.
o Support for passing the users's Screen Length.
o Option to create your own LIBMENU file which is a list of all the
file libraries available, in a menu format.
The following is a feature common to the AMUC & InterNET Info MODES:
o Since there are too many directories, these simply load a DIRS.TXT
file or similar containing the file paths. When you change to the
different paths, you get a list of PATHS rather than the names of
the areas. Although, the path names are descriptive enough, even
for the novice.
The following is a feature common to the AmiNET and Night Owl MODES:
o These load a second file called DESC.TXT containing the library or
file area names. These are included in the menu for the user.
The following is only found in the AmiNET MODES:
o The option to view a .README or Long Description is available.
o To all the authors of the programs included in the C/ directory,
the libraries in the LIBS/ directory and XPRD package included in
this archive. Keep up the great work guys.
o My pal Kevin, for suggesting to add the VIEW ARCHIVE option when
doing a file listing, and including the Screen Length parameter
o Version 2.1 - 2.2
- Added a user modifiable parameter in each CDM 2.2 .REXX script
to select the serial device you wish to use. I completely
forgot to change this in earlier versions from nullmodem.device
which I was using for testing. Oops!
- Removed the Press [RETURN] to Continue after file transfers.
- Added a parameter requirement for time left (in minutes) that is
passed when loading CDM, so your commandline should now include
an additional parameter for time left. This then is used in the
CDM 2.2 program to do a check for online time left. If the time
is 0 or lest than 0, it will quit and return to the BBS.
- Updated all files in the SCRIPTS directory to pass the time left
argument. Replace the old ones with these if you're using MAX's.
- Changed the Main Menu to display time left.
o Version 2.0 - 2.1
- Changed CDM20.Doc to CDM.Doc to contain the 2.1 version of the
CDM Manual. Newer versions of CDM, will simply have more items
added on to this HISTORY section.
- Included a full package, not including MAXShell for using this
o Version 1.8 - 2.0
Conversion from TransAmiga ARexx to CLI/StdIO version for ALL BBS's
to use.
CDM 2.2 Jun 5.96