Type: biz/misc
Ledger was written by a friend of mine to keep track of my ins and
outs etc, for the end of year tax returns etc. It started as a very small
program without any frills but has slowly grown to be indispensable to me.
It doesn't have facility's like Auto direct debits etc, because for what
the program is intended for (self employed accounts) it isn't needed.
Unfortunately there isn't a lot in the way of docs as I am not very good
at explaining things on paper and the author wouldn't even give a one line
explanation ! He only done the easy bit the programming :-)
A couple of things I would like to point out are
1, This is a shareware program and I feel that a measly 10 quid for the
authors efforts is not a lot to ask, I wouldn't like to even guess
the amount of man hours that have gone into this program.
2, YES IT IS CRIPPLED ! the only cripple in the program is that it has
a sellby date which is set at 1/1/96 at this time the program will
not work and you will need to register so PLEASE DON'T RELY ON AN
present method as a valuation. Upon registration you will be sent
the latest full version and also any future updates.
Right here we go, if anyone wants to write a decent amigaguide doc file
please feel free and Email it to me A.S.A.P We will make it worth your
While. :-)
Simply copy the ledger and the ledger.prefs files to a directory of your
choice and assign Ledger to this directory in your user-startup
ASSIGN LEDGER: Work:wherever
Next edit the Ledger.prefs file with your favourite text editor to tell
the program how many lines to display on the screen.
Normaly 20 max for High res and 45 max for Double pal.
Double click on the Ledger icon and away you go.
Top display bars
Date: Current Time: Current From: Date of first entry To: Date of last entry
Turnover:Income Expenses:Outgoings Profit: Profit Percentage: % of profit
If you wish to change the current date, click on it and enter a new date
this will not change the system date on your computer.
The rest of the screen is pretty self explanatory.
You will notice that the program can be used as a simple bank account manager
to a full self employed persons accounting system.
Keyboard commands:
a Add a transaction. Once A has been selected you will be dropped into
the date column and pushing return will enter the current system date
if you wish to enter a different date, then use this formula 02.01.95
Next you will be dropped to the Code section, at this point
you enter the code you want to use for that entry. ie TELE for phone
bill, MAPL for a maplin payment, RS for radio spares etc, any code you
wish from 1 - 4 digits. Please note that you must not use SELF, this
will be explained later. Pushing return then takes you to the
transaction details, I don't think this really needs an explanation.
Pushing return after entering the details will take you to the
debit part of the process, if the transaction is a debit then enter
the amount followed by return, if it's a credit then push return in
the blank box and you will be shoved over to the credit box where
you can enter the amount, followed by return will update the whole
screen to include the new transaction.
If you make a mistake and put a debit instead of a credit, simply
click in the credit column and re-enter the amount and it will
update the entry.
c Total credits and debits for a particular code, ie if you deal with
a company called ICU electronics of which you decide to use the code
ICU simply hit C and then input ICU and you will be given a total
of your payments to them and credits from them.
d Delete an entry This option deletes the entry directly under the
mouse pointer when you push the left mouse button although you will
be given a chance to change your mind.
f Find an entry. This option will perform a string search throughout
the CODE and TRANSACTION DETAILS, if it finds a matching entry it
will highlight it and give you the option to search again or stop.
I found this option very useful. When I get an invoice come in I simply enter
the transaction as follows
Code Transaction Detail Debit
HOLD CPC Pack of resistors 12.00
The reason I use HOLD is because I want the amount to come off the balance
but I am not ready to send payment, at a later date I simply push F and
enter HOLD then the search finds all the entries that havn't been payed yet.
I then write out the cheques and change the HOLD code's to the actual codes.
i Insert an entry. This option inserts an entry directly above the
position where you click the left mouse button.
m Brings up the main menu
p Prints all the totals on the screen including the top display info
q Quit. If you have made any changes to the account before selecting
you will have the option to save the changes.
s Save. Saves the current data.
v This option allows you to get the VAT info for a given period
Just follow the prompts after hitting v.
To edit an entry click it then type in the revised data, or just return if
you don't want to change anything. If you wish to edit transaction details
click the entry, then click the right mouse button, the line you are editing
will be duplicated bellow the current line, again push return to leave without
making changes.
All the above option are also available from the mouse by pushing the right
mouse button.
Editing an entry is very simple, click on the information that you want edited
and type in the revised data, if don't want to change it just push return
You will notice that the balance at the bottom of the screen in the sample
file is not the same as the profit figure at the top, this is not a bug, but
another Powerful feature of ledger. It is caused by the use of the code SELF,
if you make a payment for instance for national insurance it is NOT tax
deductible, so therefore entering the code as SELF will take the amount from
the actual balance but not from your profits, which is the figure the tax man
is interested in. but you are also interested in whats REALLY in the bank.
Mick is currently working on a foot note option for each transaction, see
Ledger.iff This will be available by the time the registrations start rolling
in :-)
Well I hope you find this program as much use as I do. Happy Using
If you wish to register then please send a cheque or postal order to
Michael Bell
84, Deneholm Road
DA11 8LN
Please mark the envelope Ledger Registration
Any bug reports or suggestions to mick@icu.idiscover.co.uk or to the above