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Short:Investment Monitor with Source
Author: Alexander.Pfaffe at
Uploader:drew cgo dec com
Download:biz/misc/InvMon.lzh - View contents

                        Investment Monitor



  This program was written out of a need to be able to quickly find out how
my investments were doing without starting up a spread sheet etc.  Further
more I wanted to be able to run the same utility on the Unix boxes at work.
Thus I created the `Investment Monitor'.  This program lends itself to
tracking stocks and mutual funds.  It does not do interest calculations.


- Calculate investments and uptodate fund values, gains, unit holdings etc.
- Input through simple to maintain ASCII data files.
- Display graphs in multiple windows.         (Amiga WB2.04 or X11 only)
- Command language allows for custom scripts and setups.
- Supports dynamic variables with VAR command

Detailed Description:

The Investment Monitor is based around 3 different types of data each of
which is stored in a text file.  Once the program starts you are presented
with a command line.  From here you may perform various functions to
display information.  These commands can also be stored in command files and
executed as a script.


1. SETUP file.  This file lists the Names of the Funds or Stocks you wish
to track along with a 2 character alias and a colour index.  The colour
index should be a valid pen index (0-15 on 16 colour Workbench).  Once
this file is created you are finished with it.

Format:    Name Alias Colour Type
Example: Equity EQ 3 G                   - Assign alias EQ, color 3 Growth

2. TRANS file.  This file lists the transactions that are made by you.
It indicates the buying, selling and dividends received for Funds or Stocks.
Each time you make a transaction simply add it to the end.  If you have
transactions based on automatic bank transfers, you may type those in as
far into the future as you want.

Format: Date Alias Transaction Amount
Example: 930101 EQ B 100                - Buy $100 Equity on Jan 1, 1993

3. PRICE file. This file lists the price variations for each of the Funds
or Stocks.  Each time you get price information from your statements or from
the newspaper add a line.  The order of the values must be the same as in
the SETUP file.  Entering 0.00 skips that particular fund.

Format: Date Fund1 Fund2 Fund3 Fund4 ...    - $ value for each fund
Example: 930101 12.34 14.56 9.9 0.0 3.4     - The 4th fund was not reported

There is a fourth type of file. 

4. COMMAND file.  This file can contain a set of commands that will be
interpreted when the command file is executed.

You may add comments to any of these files using the '#' as the 1st character
on the line.  You may also add comments to the end of the SETUP and TRANS
lines, but not the end of the PRICE or COMMAND file.


  invmon is brought up from the CLI and has the following syntax:

invmon [-s setupfile] [-t transactionfile] [-p pricefile] [-c commandfile]

All parameters are optional and can be executed from the invmon command line.

  To find the syntax of the command interpreter simply type HELP or HELP 
followed by a command.  For the SET command type HELP SET ALL to see what
parameters the SET command accepts.
  For the PIE and STACK charts the fund field is ignored.  PIE charts show
data for all active funds for SINGLE days, STACK charts show data for all
active funds over a range of days.


  This program is Copyright Alexander Pfaffe 1993.

  This program is Public Domain and freely distributable as long as the
  archive is kept intact and no fees above a reasonable duplication cost
  are charged.

  In no way may this program or any of the files in this archive be used
  for commercial purposes.


  This program is distributed on an as is basis, no warrenty implied or
  otherwise is given.  Nor can I accept any liability for losses or damages
  incurred by the use off this program.


- Window titles and other text won't always show correctly.
- Drawing outside of window boundary will trash memory
  - Be sure to stay within the boundaries, a future version will
  fix this, with relative graphs which can be resized & redrawn

Future Enhancements:

- Intuition(MUI)/X11 front end to allow graph generation
- Intuition(MUI)/X11 front end to allow data editing
- More graphing parameters
- More statistic parameters
- AREXX port
- Convert to C++

I am open to suggestions and bug fixes and plan to release future versions.
This program has been in operation for approximately 3 months and I have
verified its calculations with the Mutual fund company that holds my

Alexander Pfaffe
PO Box 55, Cobble Hill B.C., V0R1L0

Contents of biz/misc/InvMon.lzh
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                  285     632  45.1% -lh1- 2902 Jan 17  1994 invmon/
[generic]                  146     463  31.5% -lh1- dbb5 Mar 21  1993 invmon/
[generic]                  284     632  44.9% -lh1- 2af7 Jan  9  1994 invmon/
[generic]                  336     484  69.4% -lh1- 4d12 Jan 17  1994 invmon/example/Altamira_Inv
[generic]                  550    2138  25.7% -lh1- 8ae3 Oct 19  1993 invmon/example/
[generic]                  147     463  31.7% -lh1- e9b0 Jan 17  1994 invmon/example/
[generic]                  147     463  31.7% -lh1- 8a04 Jan 10  1994 invmon/example/
[generic]                  382    1972  19.4% -lh1- f147 Jan 17  1994 invmon/example/
[generic]                11503   35392  32.5% -lh1- eeb6 Jan 17  1994 invmon/example/price
[generic]                  384    1972  19.5% -lh1- 79d0 Jan 17  1994 invmon/example/
[generic]                   53     100  53.0% -lh1- f149 Jul  9  1993 invmon/example/trans_inv
[generic]                  145     463  31.3% -lh1- fc70 Jan 17  1994 invmon/example/
[generic]                  316     509  62.1% -lh1- 83bb Jul  9  1993 invmon/example/trans_rrsp
[generic]                  146     463  31.5% -lh1- 762f Jan 17  1994 invmon/example/
[generic]                  147     463  31.7% -lh1- 5f2d Jan 17  1994 invmon/example/
[generic]                  181     324  55.9% -lh1- 7f85 Jan  9  1994 invmon/example/
[generic]                  144     463  31.1% -lh1- 3050 Jan 17  1994 invmon/example/
[generic]                  217     330  65.8% -lh1- 0b1e Jan 17  1994 invmon/example/
[generic]                  337     485  69.5% -lh1- 33a5 Jan 17  1994 invmon/example/RRSP
[generic]                  228     285  80.0% -lh1- 9a85 Oct  1  1993 invmon/example/setup
[generic]                  147     463  31.7% -lh1- 035d Jan 17  1994 invmon/example/
[generic]                  193     302  63.9% -lh1- f831 Jan 17  1994 invmon/example/
[generic]                  145     463  31.3% -lh1- e9bc Jan 17  1994 invmon/example/
[generic]                  428    1333  32.1% -lh1- 842d Jan  9  1994 invmon/example/
[generic]                  143     463  30.9% -lh1- c61e Jan 17  1994 invmon/example/
[generic]                  382     955  40.0% -lh1- f77f Oct 19  1993 invmon/example/
[generic]                27010   47800  56.5% -lh1- 2c10 Jan 17  1994 invmon/example/invmon
[generic]                  422     835  50.5% -lh1- 38dd Jan 17  1994 invmon/example/
[generic]                  145     463  31.3% -lh1- 20fa Jan 17  1994 invmon/example/
[generic]                  217     389  55.8% -lh1- 2848 Jan 17  1994 invmon/example/
[generic]                  146     463  31.5% -lh1- 4801 Jan 17  1994 invmon/example/
[generic]                  147     463  31.7% -lh1- c3e7 Jan  9  1994 invmon/src/
[generic]                  519     841  61.7% -lh1- c660 Jan  9  1994 invmon/src/
[generic]                  278     486  57.2% -lh1- 6c30 Jan  9  1994 invmon/src/
[generic]                  231     486  47.5% -lh1- 5153 Jan  9  1994 invmon/src/
[generic]                  398     852  46.7% -lh1- d937 Jan  9  1994 invmon/src/
[generic]                  555     838  66.2% -lh1- 9251 Jan  9  1994 invmon/src/
[generic]                  443     842  52.6% -lh1- bb8c Jan  9  1994 invmon/src/
[generic]                  516    2954  17.5% -lh1- dccb Jan  9  1994 invmon/src/
[generic]                  206     838  24.6% -lh1- a568 Jan  9  1994 invmon/src/
[generic]                  278     486  57.2% -lh1- f6b7 Jan  9  1994 invmon/src/
[generic]                  231     486  47.5% -lh1- d976 Jan  9  1994 invmon/src/
[generic]                  228     486  46.9% -lh1- c997 Jan  9  1994 invmon/src/
[generic]                  279     486  57.4% -lh1- 2b6b Jan  9  1994 invmon/src/
[generic]                  278     486  57.2% -lh1- 53e7 Jan  9  1994 invmon/src/
[generic]                  230     486  47.3% -lh1- d07e Jan  9  1994 invmon/src/
[generic]                  278     486  57.2% -lh1- 77e2 Jan  9  1994 invmon/src/
[generic]                  231     486  47.5% -lh1- e3a4 Jan  9  1994 invmon/src/
[generic]                 1735    2632  65.9% -lh1- a81a Dec 16  1993 invmon/src/Debug
[generic]                 7635   28008  27.3% -lh1- 757b Jan  9  1994 invmon/src/draw.c
[generic]                  912    2602  35.0% -lh1- e04e Jan  3  1994 invmon/src/draw.h
[generic]                  411     780  52.7% -lh1- 31b6 Dec 16  1993 invmon/src/error.h
[generic]                  180     285  63.2% -lh1- e7e3 Oct 19  1993 invmon/src/
[generic]                  278     486  57.2% -lh1- 8792 Jan  9  1994 invmon/src/
[generic]                  230     486  47.3% -lh1- 64dd Jan  9  1994 invmon/src/
[generic]                  336     568  59.2% -lh1- cc90 Jan  9  1994 invmon/src/smakefile
[generic]                  229     486  47.1% -lh1- 1f5d Jan  9  1994 invmon/src/
[generic]                 4335   13812  31.4% -lh1- 31a7 Jan  3  1994 invmon/src/calc.c
[generic]                  390    1044  37.4% -lh1- c498 Dec 16  1993 invmon/src/calc.h
[generic]                  379     589  64.3% -lh1- 4dcc Jan  3  1994 invmon/src/main.c
[generic]                  264     371  71.2% -lh1- b911 Jun 26  1993 invmon/src/makefile
[generic]                  634    1601  39.6% -lh1- fc1e Jan  3  1994 invmon/src/memory.c
[generic]                   82     118  69.5% -lh1- 76fe Jan  3  1994 invmon/src/memory.h
[generic]                 3122    8996  34.7% -lh1- 9177 Jan  3  1994 invmon/src/parse.c
[generic]                  137     247  55.5% -lh1- aae6 Jan  3  1994 invmon/src/parse.h
[generic]                  814    2057  39.6% -lh1- 5644 Dec 16  1993 invmon/src/port.h
[generic]                  301     481  62.6% -lh1- a8bb Jan  3  1994 invmon/src/struct.h
[generic]                  285     632  45.1% -lh1- a41f Nov 11  1993
[generic]                 2324    4631  50.2% -lh1- ed42 Jan 17  1994 invmon/invmon.README
[generic]                  423     835  50.7% -lh1- 6ad4 Jan 17  1994 invmon/src/
[generic]                  100     155  64.5% -lh1- cedb Jan 17  1994 invmon/src/invmon.lnk
[generic]                 1942    6734  28.8% -lh1- 6e77 Jan  3  1994 invmon/src/port.c
[generic]                  114     137  83.2% -lh1- d950 Jan 17  1994 invmon/src/SCOPTIONS
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        73 files   78374  193686  40.5%            Jan 27  1994
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