Short:        V4.1 For EaglePlayer/DeliTracker
Author: (Mark Leitiger)
Uploader:     marley csmd cs tu-magdeburg de (Mark Leitiger)
Type:         mus/play
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

V4.1 Bugfix:
- working with EaglePlayers "LoadFast" option
- working with DeliTracker II

This is NOT a continuation to the old replay module
adapted by Biohazard,Turbo/IFT and Eagleeye/DEFECT,
currently available as a version 3.1
It is a completely recoded replayer for ALL known
modules David Whittaker has released.

Improvements to the old replayer (V3.1) are:
- 2 sources of enforcer hits removed
 (1: incomplete volume-envelope-initialisation)
 (2: incomplete instrument-table-initialisation)
- soundquality improved by doing the above
 (check the XenonII-Title music,ChipsChallengeMusic
  and the module from Gunship2000)
- better analyzer support
 (no dizzy display after the song has stopped, without restarting)
- better module detection (-> DWOLD is obsolete)
 (be warned, only original modules are detected correctly,
  no warranty for patched modules:
  only exception is DWOLD.Feud,
  you can doubt if it is a whittaker module at all)
- more info on module available by EaglePlayers 'ModuleInfo'
- code shortened 
  (Size of new replayer < Size of old replayer + DWOLD-player)