Short: Final Amiga Version, now Freeware Author: Uploader: support delitracker com Type: mus/play Version: V2.32 (06-Aug-00) Replaces: mus/play/DeliTracker227* Architecture: m68k-amigaos Distribution: NoCD TITLE DeliTracker VERSION 2.32 (release date 06 Aug 2000) AUTHORS Frank Riffel Peter Kunath DESCRIPTION This politely multitasking program will play all popular sound program modules available on the amiga. Currently it supports over 150 (!) different module formats plus one special format for modules which contain their own player. ProTracker and PT-like players are internal; additional players are loaded from disk. That means you can very easily add/update players by placing them into the DeliPlayers directory. There are many reasons for using DeliTracker; here is only a small list: system friendly and multitasks happily allocates the sound channels supports more than 150 different module formats correct playspeed in PAL/NTSC (uses timer.device) does not interfere with modem use supports xpkmaster.library for decrunching can play mods from fastmem provides random play & songend detection converts many pt-clones back to protracker has sizeable scopes decrunches lha-files full Arexx support supports module lists pubscreen support hotkey (commoditiy) enforcer and mungwall proof supports full CLI or workbench (tooltypes) environment uses gadtools.library for layout supports the Toccata and the MaestroPro soundboard DISTRIBUTABILITY This package is Freeware. There's no need to register. Thanks to all registered users for their support! A note about freeware: free doesn't mean free of rights, ie. Public Domain. Freeware is only free of charge, but still copyrighted. NOTES This is the final DeliTracker Version for the Amiga, there won't be any more updates. The development is now continued on the PC. The official Homepage of the Windows version is This package includes many updated and/or previously unreleased players and genies. Some of them can be found in the Bonus directory (most of them are not installed by the installer script, so don't forget to examine this directory carefully!). A few interesting files are still missing, e.g. a player for DigiBoosterPro modules can be found in the official distribution. Also missing is Peter Mattsson's DeliSid4Amiga, a DeliTracker interface for the excellent Sid4Amiga by Paul Heams. And finally, Christian Buchner's ADPCM-Player, Achim Härtel's PokeyNoise and Nicolas Pomarede's MYST YM2149 emulator player can be found on Aminet. More players (3rd party) can be downloaded from ExoticA (the URL of ExoticA as of this writing is, but will undoubtedly change again;-)). Important: if you do not use the installer script and install DeliTracker by hand then you *must* replace all PC multichannel tracker players (ie. IT, Poly, S3M and XM) with the new versions included in this distribution. The old players are not fully compatible with this release and might crash your system otherwise. Please note that the docs (especially the french translation, the player and genie documentation) are partially outdated or incomplete. Some notes: the new TFMX player supports all known TFMX modules, the TFMX_1.5, TFMX_Pro and TFMX_7V players are no longer needed. The Hippel_7V player is obsolete, the modules are now handled by the Converter genie and the Hippel-COSO player. The THX player has been renamed to AHX (it handles 1.x and 2.x modules). The new SoundControl player supports 3.x - 5.x modules and replaces all old SoundControl players. Users with a fast Amiga should take a look at the SASC/SHSC xpk libraries (look for `xha.lha' on Aminet). The libs offer very good compression and have special modes for packing sample data. Big thanks must go to Chris Hodges for improving the 14Bit-NotePlayer and several players. Everyone with an 020+ Amiga is highly recommended to install his improved genie instead of the original one (the genie can be found in the Bonus directory). It's also a must have if you've a soundcard. Last minute update: added "font <name.font>" option which can be used to specify a font (only 8 point, non-proportional fonts are allowed, e.g. "FONT=topaz.font"). If the font cannot be found (the font name is case sensitive!) or doesn't fit the requirements, the default font (topaz 8) is used. Many thanks to Gaelan Griffin for sending me a bunch of updated players shortly before release and lots of debugging/beta-testing. Special thanks to Jan Krolzig for testing lots of beta players and genies. Thanks to the Wanted Team for player support. Don Adan is very good about uploading his players to Aminet as soon as they are finished. So don't forget to check Aminet once in a while.