Short: RTR Rumatix MMD2 module Author: Insanity Imparted Uploader: pynko dcandy demon co uk Type: mods/techn Requires: MMD2 Octamed music module capable player Architecture: generic Music module created by Insanity Imparted for release on Real Time Recording now supplied to aminet S=) Feel free to distribute on aminet(cd) but all copyright remains with the authors Insanity Imparted. Any use other than distribution on aminet, either in part or in whole, is expressly forbidden without written consent from the authors Insanity Imparted ©1996 Insanity Imparted ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo [ tRACK nAME ] [ aUTHOR/aRTISTS ] [ fORMAT ] [ bPM ] 2. rTr_RUMA.lha rUMAtiX - !NSAn!+y !MpAr+eD - OctAMEd V3-V6 - 140 RUmaTix : Get a tr606 and destroy it beyond comprehension you have now created computer controlled [>rUMa+i>< cHAnceS aRE yoUR grANny woN`t lIKe iT. Diz: 140 Bpm rYHThmiC iNDuctIon Fest, loTSa COol druMS and FRantiC wibbLES tO WHile AWay thE WEe houRS wHIlst You CreaTE tHAt laTezT MASterpiECe. 3:-> ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo o rEAl tIme o o ) _______ ( o o / (__.|. \ o o ( / ||___ ) o o ( / ||.__) ) o o ( / ||| \ ) o o </ ||| \ > o o \__________\/ o o rECorDIng o .....................................oOo....................................