Short:        A 4 track OctaMED Trance/Techno mod
Uploader:     dkrupicz trentu ca
Type:         mods/techn
Architecture: generic

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	     (#.     ## ## ## ## ###^" ## "^#^" "##^"     .#) 
	      "0o..__                                __..o0"
	        ""0##00ooo....___        ___....ooo00##0""

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## 		  	       	  Neon   				##
##									##
## 		          4 track OctaMED module 			##
##									##
## 		              Techno/Trance                           	##
##								        ##
##    This one contains many OctaMED synthsounds (in fact the only	##
##    sounds that are actual samples are two string chords sampled	##
##    off of my keyboard) which are underrated and underused by MOD	##
##    artists partly because it takes a lot of fiddling with them to	##
##    get the sound you want beyond the default waveforms, but they 	##
##    can be used for anything (except for chords, it would seem),	##
##    even samples (check out the beginning sample in this one...)	##
##    which let you get some really cool effects (timestretching is	##
##    a breeze with medsynthsound samples and they sound weird and	##
##    such...)  Anyways, this one ought to be played using MED or  	##
##    a MedPlayer that handles synthsounds, otherwise I cannot 		##
##    guarantee that the results will be all too spectacular..		##
##    (Sorry IBM types, :( ,i dont know of a PC MED player that 	##
##     handles OctaMED ssynthsounds...					##
##								        ##
##      	 	  email:  		        ##
##					     			        ##
##        		    released Mar 21, 1995  	                ##
"#b.                                      			      .d#"