Short:        145 BPM Strange Acid by Genacid (DBM 28ch)
Author:       Genacid
Uploader:     ikosak as411 tel hr (Ivan Kosak)
Type:         mods/techn
Architecture: generic

Sorry for crap english , not my language.

please e-mail me your comments...
(if stinks or it's good e-mail me)

Strange and scary mod!
Read IMPORTANT file in this archive.
Hello to my Friends Zabba , Hlloyge , Lukka , 2late4suicide , Sinna ,
Prak , Vox , L'Ours from France , Dj Heroine , Digiman, Acid Pete,
Dj Pie, PaRA, Sickman and others...

Zznic Crew homepage :

Zznic Crew projects :name      aminet  style
+++++++++++++++++++++--------- ------  -----------------------------------
                     Acid Frog  {af}   ( acid , house )
                     Genacid    {gen}  ( acid , hard acid )
                     Sadista    {sad}  ( gabba , hard acid )
                     Zabba      {zab}  ( gabba , hard trance , hard acid )
                     Zznic Crew {zz_crew}

========================= Arhive contents ====================================

    Original   Packed Ratio   Date     Time     Name
    --------  ------- ----- --------- --------  ------------------------------
     1100141  362463 67.0% 15-Sep-98 23:34:48  145_Tonus.DBM
        1784     412 76.9% 19-Jun-98 10:04:26  145_Tonus.important
         966     510 47.2% 15-Sep-98 23:37:08  145_Tonus.readme
    -------- ------- ----- --------- --------
     1102891  363385 67.0% 15-Sep-98 23:38:16   3 files