Short: CRS00022: "burning out fix!" by dominator Author: domin8r Uploader: domin8r galeb etf bg ac yu <dominator/CoRRoSioN> Type: mods/techn Replaces: mods/techn/crs_burn.lha Architecture: generic ____________________\____________________________ | \\ | sTZ!/sE ____ ____ _____ _____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ___ ____ .-\ _/__.-\ \.-\__ \_.-\__ \_.-\ \.-/ /___.-\ \.-\ \.-\ \| / _/ \ \_ \_ / _/. / _/. \_____ \_ / \_ \\ \_ \__________/______/ \____| \____|_______//________/___/_________/ |\____/ . `---' `---' . `----' |_____________________________\\__________________| \ $&W#%!¡$%*5795*#7½7iJ4MknIJNR7Eh4(I^UWQW$Tb#%^&#%^7#%&%^37N#$6%y^6J%%$^#$%^#ER CRS00022: "BURNING OUT FIX!" by domin8r BULLSHIT: yeah... this is fuckin FIX.. module fix? well yeah, that's exactly what it is... when you maintain a chaotic amount of everything, it's easy to misplace and make a stupid error. major fix in 1st sample loop, which was desperatelly erased when i was so stupid to enter my signature directly in sample name, so soundstudio supposed he need to load that instrument, didn't find anything and ERASED loop data from sample props. fuck. sorry about that, please replace the previous release with this one. the original text follows. so there i was, wandering on the net, looking for decent sounding soundstudio now that amiga has it, and guess what, THERE IS _NO_ decent soundstudio multichannel over there! i guess everyone is making stupid xm's on idiotic trashcan and feeling happy... well, fuck it. soundstudio rocks! check this out. and expect some more from da CoRRoSioN posse. $&#%#@$¾!@%!!%(!!@$*#(!BBU!GUB^BU(GJ@)(J@G#^(@#$J@GP(@#%OJY:OIK)KJDL:HWJ$B^W)P [bleeding ignorance and feeding radiation] : World Wide Web: File Transfer Protocol: CoRRoSioN ftp site [] still under development! at this moment, files can be obtained from pub/CoRRoSioN/down directory. filenames for module prods: /pub/CoRRoSioN/down/crs_*.* Papa2 demo ftp site [] - /incoming/papa/crs_*.* Aminet [] - mods/techn/crs_*.* check out also other aminet-sites BBS: HIGH FIVE +358-(0)5-2601265 Finland HQ. sysop: Chronic Electronic Mail: [CoRRoSioN group mail] [DoMiNAToR] [PhuZZy LoGiK] [.A.] $G$Y&&H^&J$(*#WNYWWW^W#I^W^U^W(BU^$UI%UG(&)WISUDOYW(JTY)*W)*^**)()(I)*&O*IJ^RR info file credits: CoRRoSioN asc2: sTZ!/sE; bullshit: domin8r/CoRRoSioN