Short:    DJ pSibEr.Happy stompy hardcore! '95 mix
Author: (Dj Psiber)
Uploader: cm3bcpl bs47c staffs ac uk (Dj Psiber)
Type:     mods/techn
Name:     I'l be there
Style:    Happy hardcore. 192 bpm. 5.15 mins

Architecture: generic

     I'll be there '95 found-on-the-hard-drive-mix!
          bY dJ pSiBeR     An Octamed V5 module

 A happy stompy hardcore story.

 Well the story is...messing about transfering files from the Amiga
 to my girlfriend's (Che's) Psion. I stumble into a 
 directory with the bare bones of this choon in it.
 'Turn it down' Che screams 'My head's hurting!!!'

 Now don't get me wrong, but why does Che's head always hurt 
 when happy hardcore is on the stereo? Is it something to do with 
 the fact she hates it?
 So we pop down to the chinese takeaway and then I come back and remix 
 this little ditty.
 If you're producing these kinda choons then get
 in touch with me for swapping samples, mods and ideas.  

 Respect to all the happy hardcore crew and all at Diehard in Leicster,
 Che, jU!cE,Liam,Technohead,Cairan[sp?],Twig/tRiCkStEr,Rich,Dj Spark-E,Ramo
 and all the rest of the crew.

           Happiness is contagious. Spread the disease!

           I hope you enjoy this tune. Play it loud :)

  Look out for the new stompy choon, soon, by dJ pSiBeR and dJ sPaRk-E.

       Dj pSiBeR can be reached at

      For info on happy hardcore group 'Component' check out:
