Short:        `Gloomyness' - a Symphonie module by MoSeZ
Author:       MoSeZ
Uploader:     crisp tornado be
Type:         mods/techn
Architecture: generic


The evening starts to fall. Two figures are walking through the forest as
it becomes darker and darker until the twilight completely disappears and
is replaced by the gloomyness of the night.
The silhouettes of the two people in the dark seem to be those of a boy
and a girl.
Through a little hole in the clouds a few beams of moonlight reach the
earth. Something flashes, the boy and girl stop. Again, a flash in the
bushes and another one and again, left right, behind them, more and more!
In a rage of fear they start to run. They run as hard as they can, through
bushes of thorns, avoiding the trees. The flashes follow with the greatest
of ease. The moon has appeared completely now and the tips of spears are
clearly visible above the bushes around them. They hear the distant sound
of bongo's as they hide behind a big rock. The moon dissappears behind the
clouds and the bongo's stop. A gloomy silence covers the woods.
Suddenly there is a flash again in the woods from one of the spears. The
boy and girl start to run again as if their lives were in grave danger.
Totally exhausted they reach a cliff, without a visible bottom. They hold
eachothers hand, hesitate for a second and jump, way down into the cliff.

A few metres from that place, the local aboriginals just finished
celibrating their new year and are all preparing themselves to go to sleep.
Outside every hut, one spear guards their lives.

Music: MoSeZ
Text : Korneel Ketelslegers

Required version of Symphonie: at least 2.4d release 4