Short: Three Minutes by Ganja/NvX. 4th at Assembly'97 4ch compo. Author: Uploader: slice xgw fi Type: mods/pro Architecture: generic _._ _ _ _ _._ [SOf] \|/ bACK ONCE AGAIN WI|H |HOSE b|OCK ROCKIN' bEA|S \|/ [SOf] : : ....................................................... :: _ ____________ _ __ _____::___________ (÷) N.e.r.v.e A.x.i.s (÷) _\\\ / _ ______::_ _ _____ _ ____\_____ /_ _____¯ ¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯::¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ .__\\\_ .·/_\\\ _/ ._\\\__ / /_\\\ _/ . :: | / / _\ ¯¯| _/ _/ / _\ ¯¯| :: | / /· | \ \_ / | :: |___/ /::___________| \______/ /_____________| :: · /______\:: tGø| | \ / :: _\ :: | _ ___|____ _\/______ _ _____ _::____ _ \ __ ______::___________|_\\\___ \ /_____ _\\\____)_.\ ·___///_. \\/ ::| _/ \_ // /// | \______ | \ Arouses:Your Senses | \_ _/ / _/ | . / | \::| |_____\______\ \_ |_::_______| ¯ ¯_\¯¯¯¯¯¯::¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|______| \______/¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ :: \ :: _ ____ _ _____ _______ _ _ ______ :: · _ ___::___._\\\ / ._\\\ /___._\ ___///_._\\\ __/ :: _ _._\\\__· | : ¯¯¯¯| / | \______ | _\ ¯¯::¯¯¯¯ ¯ | _/ | /| | / | | | :tGø | \__:___|___________|____/______|___________|___________::_____ _ __|_______:___________________________________________________::_________ _:\ :: :: /:_ |¯ Re|eased:At Assemb|y 97 He|d In He|sinki, Fin|and / 8th - 10th August ¯| | .. .... :: :: | | :::::::: Our Entry To The Amiga 4ch Competition :: | | :::::::: :: .... .. | | : : : : :::::::: | | : : : : T·H·R·E·E M·I·N·U·T·E·S :::::::: | | :::..::: : : : : | | :::::::: : : : : | | :::::::: This mod is actually a remix of my mod for our :::..::: | | :::::::: ASM97 demo, but hey, nothing wrong with that eh? :::::::: | | :·:··:·: :::::::: | | :::::::: I just cba all that copyright bollocks.. you know :::::::: | | :::::::: the score. Just frikkin' vote for this, put it to :·:··:·: | | :::::::: the CD and all that shi'. :::::::: | | : : : : :::::::: | | : : : : Greets to the chosen few: NVX Geezas·OOPS! boys· :::::::: | | :::..::: Zeus/MST·Kuu/Kinky!·Melo/Puzzle·Swoop/Rebels : : : : | | .::·::·::. : : : : | | Info Layout: TANGo :::..::: | | .::·::·::. | | :::::::: | | IRC: #NVX - #AMIGASCNE - #AMIELITE :::::::: | | : : : : | | EMai|: Zone - : : : : | | Crash - :::..::: | | TANGo - :::::::: | | Meson - :·:··:·: | | Schlott - :::::::: | | :::::::: | | Or check out our homepage at: :::::::: | | : : : : | | http://mer|in.| : : : : | | :::..::: | | .::·::·::. | _|_ · Nerve Axis - Reviving The UK Scene _|_ :/_ _\ __________________________________________________________________\: _\ __ ______________________________________ _ \\/ \ And Don't Forget To Ca|| These Amazing Nerve Axis HQs Wor|dwide \ _\ Trick Or Treat 2 · Whq «» 2 Nodes · +44 01703495841 \ 13th Hour · Ukhq «» 2 Nodes · +44 01704505845 · Cyberspace · Ukhq «» 2 Nodes · +44 01275341261 La Luna · Ukhq «» 2 Nodes · +44 01206501836 Stargate · Ukhq «» 2 Nodes · +44 01253400122 Mos Eis|ey · Fhq «» 2 Nodes · +358 97735485 · /_ _ ___________ __ / The Men Responsib|e For Nerve Axis \// / Zone ÷ Crash ÷ TANGo ÷ Venom ÷ Meson ÷ Sch|ott / Babbage ÷ Nik ÷ Nexus ÷ Spoon ÷ Jam ÷ Ganja ÷ Turbo /_ ZipZippy ÷ Ace ÷ Kgb ÷ Demo|ee ÷ Nee|ix ÷ Icon / · [EOf] \|/ bACK ONCE AGAIN WI|H |HOSE b|OCK ROCKIN' bEA|S \|/ [EOf] : :