Short:        014: "Reminiscenes" [Dance]
Author: (Phantomas)
Uploader:     thomas_rehbein gmx de (Phantomas)
Type:         mods/pro
Architecture: generic

                             Short information

                      Module name: Reminiscenes (#54)
                     Author: Thomas Rehbein/Phantomas
                           Aminet release: 14th
            Format: ProTracker (Created with: ProTracker V3.61)
                               Style: Dance
                            Date: 05. 10. 2000
                            Duration: 5:01 min.
                                Length: 77
                               Patterns: 48


Astonishing. I published my last song more than two years ago. Well, I
think it's a good point of time for a little comeback, eh? :-)

                                       Have phun -
                                                Thomas... (05. 10. 2000)