Short:        "Pentagonic" mega-hyper 5/4 oddtrance goa
Author:       Bobby Clark
Uploader:     bobclark freenet scri fsu edu
Type:         mods/med
Replaces:     The current bc-penta.lha, in mods/med
Requires:     A player that can handle Octamed MMD1 files.
Architecture: generic

And now, a song to get the ol' adrenalin pumping:

Name of this composition:  "Pentagonic"
                   Style:  Oddtrance goa, in 5/4
              Influences:  A real toughie.  Probably, in general, a lot
                           of the modern electronic stuff is heavily
                           influential, as are a lot of the modules which
                           I collect regularly off the aminet myself.

A working definition of oddtechno:  Techno music, of any style, which does
not fit into the standard 4/4 meter.  Not only does this keep it from being
predictable, but a lot of intricate patterns are possible, too.

In this case, we have oddtechno in the goa style, in 5/4.  Surprisingly,
though, the rhythm flows quite smoothly.  And, as is a requirement of
goatrance ... it is mega-fast!  (I really think Goa is becoming my favorite
style ... we will see ...)

The 5-beat drum loop used in sample slot #1 was created using a nice little
program called ps3mrec, available on the aminet in mus/misc I think.  It
will take any S3M, MTM, XM, FT, or MOD and render an IFF or WAV sample.
This is my first attempt at using the program, and I think the results are
very listenable.

NOTE:  This release is a bugfixed version.  Due to a tuning idiosyncracy,
one of my drumloop samples acted very strangely on a PC Octamedplayer.  I
have now corrected this error.

Credits go to:   Teknique, Colitis, and others, for playtesting and support.
                 Saraba, for hugs, and for the Deep Forest Sample.
                 K-P Koljonen and Jarno Paananen, for writing the PS3M
                     player and recorder programs.  I have found these VERY

Comments, as always, to

I almost have material for an album ... soon, soon ... :)