   _    __      _     <>_   __      _    ||
  /\\    |\    /||    ||   /  `    /\\   ||  A M I G A   U P D A T E 
 /__\\   | \  / ||    ||  || ___  /__\\  ||     -News and Rumors-
/    \\_ |  \/  ||_  _||_  \__// /    \\_|| (An Occasional Newsletter)
           BACK FOR THE FUTURE           ||
 AMIGA and the Amiga logo are trademarks of Amiga Technologies, GmbH

      Q U I K P A K   L E T T E R   T O   A L L   A M I G A N S 

                P C - T A S K   4   A N N O U N C E D  

  E A G L E   W E B   P A G E   D E S C R I B E S   G O O D I E S ? 

         T H R E E   U T I L I T I E S   F R O M   I T A L Y 

    A M I G A   T R A N S L A T O R S '   O R G A N I Z A T I O N 

           V I S C O R P   M A K E S   C O R R E C T I O N 

Editor's Introduction and Thoughts:

 Despite the impressive number of headlines above, January has been a
very slow month for Amiga news, which is why this is only the second
issue to appear.  Newcomers may not be aware that "Amiga Update" has
no set publishing schedule - we send out an issue whenever we think it
appropriate - but we do try to have at least two issues a month.  In
the last day or two some interesting items have appeared so we
gathered up everything in the "next issue" queue and put one together
for you.
 First, we'd like to tell you about an interesting rumor.  Bill Buck,
recently of VIScorp, has been reported as bidding for control of the
Amiga on his own.  The rumor reached us recently from Europe.  If
true, that would make QuickPak, Eagle Computer of Germany and Mr.
Buck identified to one extent or another as bidders.  We'll be
watching this with interest, of course.  For now, both Mr.  Buck's bid
and that of Eagle are unconfirmed as far as we know.  We do hope one
of these suitors, or another, actually consummates a marriage before
the widow dies of neglect.
 Speaking of QuikPak, they recently posted an open letter to the Amiga
community concerning the e-mail they've been getting of late.  We have
the letter below as our contribution to getting the word out.
 PC emulators for the Amiga are ever popular.  We recently announced
the arrival of PCx.  Today we have an announcement of a new version of
the venerable PC-Task.  It's nice to see the competition, which can
only make both products better.
 An interesting post recently to the Usenet newsgroups describes a new
World Wide Web page at the Eagle Computer site, describing some new
products - in German only.  We have no one at Amiga Update who speaks
German, but we thought we'd include the posting so any of you who do
can check it out.
 Programmer Roberto Bizzarri of Italy has just announced three
interesting utilities.  We're not exactly sure where you can obtain
copies, but suggest trying AmiNet if interested or contact the
programmer directly.  His e-mail address is included with the product
descriptions.  We especially like the name "McCloud" for one of the
utilities.  Fans of the old TV show may want that one just because of
the name.
 A new group calling itself the Amiga Translators' Organization has
posted an appeal for members.  We know nothing about this group, but
are passing their notice along for your inspection.  Those with second
language skills good enough to allow for extensive translation may
want to take a closer look at this organization.
 We haven't given up following VIScorp entirely.  We've notice
recently all Amiga items have been dropped from their web site, except
one, and there's now a link to an online PC encyclopedia.  The
encyclopedia does have some pretty good entries on the Amiga, so you
web surfers may wish to check it out.  The one remaining Amiga item on
VIScorp's page is a correction to an earlier press release.  It helps
clear up the funding relationship with Amiga Technologies.  It may not
be a coincidence that the company referred to in this correction is
Velasco GmbH.  VIScorp's former head of European Operations was Raquel
Velasco.  We doubt there's much significance to all this, but thought
we'd include the press release as it could be the last Amiga release
ever from VIScorp.
 We hope you enjoy this issue.
 Brad Webb,

        O P E N   L E T T E R   F R O M   Q U I C K P A K 

Downloaded 13 January, 1997

To the Amiga Community

We would like to tell all of those who send Quikpak E-mail that we are
greatly pleased with the quality and quantity of responses and
inquiries that are sent to us on a daily basis.  However, due to the
sheer volume of responses that are sent to us, it has become
increasingly difficult to respond to all of the letters that are sent
to us.  We would, however, like to thank each of you for your input,
and ask that you please have patience.  We would further like to tell
you that all of your letters will be read, but it is not possible to
respond to every one that is sent to us.

Without the support of the Amiga user base the success that Quikpak
has achieved in the last years would not have been possible.  Please
continue to write, as we hold all of your opinions in high esteem.
User input is what past Amiga manufacturers lacked, and Quikpac would
like to rectify that problem.  Feel free to write with any suggestions
and/or concerns.

In the future we would ask that you direct any general information
queries to QPInfo@ix.netcom.com and any service or warranty queries to


Dan Robinson
Director of Buisness Development, Amiga Computers
QuikPak Corporation


Dave Ziembicki
QuikPak Corporation


               P C - T A S K  4    R E L E A S E D 

7 Jan 1997 23:09:27

Quasar Distribution is pleased to announce the release of PC-Task 4,
by Chris Hames.  This latest release includes some exciting changes
and major speed increases.

With 80486 compatibility, now you are able to run that much needed
software, and with the development of Dynamic Compilation you are able
to experience major speed increases over previous versions.  PC-Task
is the fatest PC software emulation available on the Amiga, and is a
necessity if you need to run PC software.

See below for a full wrap-up.


  PC-Task 4




  Chris Hames


  Published exclusively by:

    Quasar Distribution
    P.O. Box 101
    Victoria      3133

    Phone +61 3 9887 2411
    Fax   +61 3 9887 2511
    BBS   +61 3 9587 5004

    E-Mail pctask@ozemail.com.au
    Internet:  http://www.ozemail.com.au/~pctask


PC-Task 4 is the fastest software 80486 emulator for the Amiga range
of computers.

The following features are included in this release:

- 80486 compatibility
- The fastest software PC emulator for the Amiga
- Uses Dynamic Compilation for speed.
- Support for up to 16MB RAM (15MB extended) under MS-DOS
- Up to 2 floppy drives and 2 hard drives supported
- Supports multiple hard disk files and hard disk partitions
- High density floppies and CD-ROM support
- Select from MDA, CGA, EGA, VGA and SVGA (512K-2MB) video modes
- Support for up to 256 colours on AGA machines
- Compatible with graphic boards (eg. Cybergraphics, EGS Spectrum, 
- Parallel, Serial and PC speaker emulation
- Mouse support, including Serial Mouse emulation
- Run multiple PC-Task processes on the same machine
- Run MS-DOS applications in a window on a public screen 
  (eg. Workbench)
- Transfer files between your Amiga and MS-DOS
- Support for David Salamon's GoldenGate bridge cards
- Compatible with MS Windows 3.0 - 3.11 *

* Windows 3.1 requires 1.5 MB contiguous RAM and sufficient hard disk

NOTE:  MS-DOS is NOT included.


  PC-Task 4 is available now.

  PC-Task 4 DEU (German version) scheduled for mid January 1997

AUTHORISED DISTRIBUTORS (Current as of January 1st 1997)

  Australia & New Zealand (and anywhere else not listed)

    Quasar Distribution
    P.O. Box 101
    Victoria  3133
    Phone +613 9887 2411
    Fax   +613 9887 2511
    BBS   +613 9587 5004


    Wizard Developments
    PO Box 490,
    Dartford, Kent
    England       DA1 2UH

    Phone +44 (0)1322 527800
    Fax   +44 (0)1322 527810


    Casablanca Multimedia
    Wiemelhauser Straße 247a
    44799 Bochum 1

    Phone +49 (0)234 7 20 35
    Fax   +49 (0)234 7 20 60


    3 Rue Anatole France
    FR 13220 Chateauneufl-Les-Martigues

    Phone +
    Fax   +

All distribution enquiries should be directed to Quasar Distribution.


 An Amiga computer with AmigaOS 2.0 or greater, a 68020 or greater and
 a minimum of 2Mb RAM.


  Please contact your local distributor for pricing and availability.


 Registered users of Version 3.0/3.1 of PC-Task are currently being
mailed update offers via the mail.  The cost of an upgrade from
Version 3.0/3.1 is AUD$60 (including delivery).  Feel free to order
PC-Task before you receive your update offer by
calling/faxing/emailing us at the details listing above.  Please
remember to supply your registration number.

Users of the Quasar Distribution package who have not returned their
product registration card, should contact Quasar Distribution, or
their local authorised distributor for upgrade pricing and

Registered users of version 2.0 or before are also being mailed out an
offer.  The cost to register these version is AUD$84.00 including

  A demo version of PC-Task 4.0 is availble from our web page at

  You will also find this on most Amiga BBSs and Amiga Internet 
  archives, such as Aminet (will be in misc/emu/PC-TaskDemo40.lha).

{Note the following from an Amigan who went looking for the demo
version at two Aminet sites ... Brad}

9 Jan 1997 00:18:03

Actually, I found it in biz/demo at wustl.edu and netnet.net

 God bless you!
(and your Amiga)

          E A G L E   C O M P U T E R   W E B   P A G E 

Date: Thu, 05 Dec 1996 07:21:29 CST6CDT

There is a new web page from "eagle computer products" anouncing
severl new Amiga-products. Sounds very interesting, like
DEC ALPHA-Board at 433 MHz and running p-OS and Amiga-based Laptops.



The page is in German only at the moment.



Wolfgang Baudler
mailto:baudler@gsf.de  Tel.: +49.89.31874463
                       Fax.: +49.89.31874243
Home-Page: http://lulu.gsf.de:8888
           **** earth is a beta site. ****


           M C U T I L I T I E S   A N N O U N C E D

 McFiler v4.3

06 Jan 97 22:24:13 +0100

              __  __      _____ _ _             _  _     ____
             |  \/  | ___|  ___(_) | ___ _ __  | || |   |___ \
             | |\/| |/ __| |_  | | |/ _ \ '__| | || |_    __) |
             | |  | | (__|  _| | | |  __/ |    |__   _|  ___) |
             |_|  |_|\___|_|   |_|_|\___|_|       |_|(_)|____/

 This program was born to achieve a better way to catalogue and
archive files on ANY MEDIA DEVICE with special functions for FLOPPIES.
It features functions able to quickly trace, view, unpack, rename,
discard a file, as well as hide it from your list.

 You'll have at your disposal two nice routines, "FitDisk" and
"SingleFit", which will allow you to optimize your collection of files
to fit in the least possible number of disks.

 McFiler requires OS 2.0+ (v37+) and "reqtools.library" v38+ (© by
Nico François & Magnus Holmgren).

 McAgenda v4.3

06 Jan 97 22:23:31 +0100

 McAgenda wants to be a simple phonebook.  I have written it to get
rid of all those big applications which require you to wander through
plenty of options just to get a phone number.  I'd rather use paper
phonebooks for that.  :) Or maybe i'd rather have used, because now
there is McAgenda!
 McAgenda needs OS 2.0+ (v37+) and "reqtools.library" (© Nico François
& Magnus Holmgren).

 McCloud v1.2

06 Jan 97 22:34:44 +0100

                        * M c C l o u d   v 1 . 2 *
                  Written by Roberto Bizzarri © 1995-1997
                          English doc by Phalanx

                          I N T R O D U C T I O N

 McCloud will forbid any floppy disk access on the specified disk.  It
will likely be useful in case you don't want unskilled people to jam
with your disks.  McCloud won't provide you any data encryption, it
just modifies the specified disk's bootblock to render it invisible to
your computer.

 The reason why I decided only to modify the bootblock is principally
the security:  should the disk present any read/write error, you'll
get your datas back with a common program like DiskSalv, QBTools and
so on, while a full encryption might be more unhandy.  Anyway
McCloud's aim is just to protect a bit your disks, not to grant full

 If you insert in any drive a disk protected by McCloud, no icon will
appear, and, if asked via CLI/Shell, the Amiga will confirm the
absence of any disk in your drive!  Magical, isn't it?  :)


Changes from v1.1 :

   *  new arguments template
   *  added password support
   *  fixed bug whith bootable floppy disks

      .---.        .-----------
     /     \  __  /    ------     _         _
    / /     \( .`-,   -----      |_)       |_)
   //////    '~ (    ---         | \oberto |_)izzarri
  //// / // :    ; ---
 // /   /  /)   / --             E-mail: robiz@mbox.vol.it
 /          //..\\               FidoNet: 2:332/901.31

    A M I G A   T R A N S L A T O R S '   O R G A N I Z A T I O N 

Date: 17 Jan 1997 17:38:31 
        The Amiga Translators' Organization ! NEEDS YOU ! 
 The Amiga Translators' Organization (ATO) is a bunch of worldwide
Amiga users, who translate programs to many different languages.  We
make professional, consistent translations in an efficient way.  ATO
is a young non-profit organization, with volunteers from a wide range
of nationalities and ages.  We currently count about 200 members,
divided over 17 languages.  See http://home.pages.de/~ATO for more
about ATO. 

 ATO has rapidly grown over the last few months.  Although the number
of members increases, some language departments, as we call them, can
merely keep up with all the new projects coming in from enthousiastic
Amiga developers!  This is the time to join in, and help translate all
that splendid Amiga software.  You'll get some credits, help the
Amiga's future, and will also be rewarded with an occasional free
registration.  See http://home.pages.de/~ATO.TRANSLATOR/PROOFREADER
 If you, as an Amiga user, are interested in translating Amiga
programs to your native (or other) language, please consider joining
ATO.  You will be member of a group of loyal Amiga users, who
voluntarely spend a small amount of your time translating fine Amiga
programs.  As a reward, you get world-wide fame, honour and credits.
What do you want more?!  Well, you can even get a free registration or
keyfile for some projects!  We require you to have a good
understanding of the languages you are willing to translate to, and
have Internet e-mail access.  If you already did some program
translations outside of ATO, why not join ATO and convince the program
developers into invoking ATO :-) See
 Developers who wish to see their programs translated are welcome to
contact ATO for doing this.  See ATO's homepage, mentioned below.
Once your translation project is in the hands of ATO, it will be
professionally and consistantly, translated to, and proofread in, many
of the world's languages.  A project coordinator of ATO will
critically handle the translation process for your program, inform
you, and eventually send you the finished translations.  Freeware is
freely translated; for shareware we merely ask a keyfile and/or
registration for each participant of your program's translation.  For
commercial software, we offer low cost customized prices.  Developers
who already have their software translated to some languages are also
invited to invoke ATO.  We can either do the missing translations or
even better:  have it all done by ATO and talk your existing
translators into ATO :-) See http://home.pages.de/~ATO.

 http://home.pages.de/~ATO Here you can subscribe.  Also, it links
to many language departments.

 This message was posted by Leon Woestenberg Dutch language
administrator of the Amiga Translators' Organization .

                 V I S C O R P   C O R R E C T I O N 

	VIScorp News: January 3, 1997

Chicago, IL
January 3, 1997
Permission Granted to Distribute without Alteration

VIScorp Correction


 VIScorp wishes to correct a factual error which was contained in a
previous press release dated December 2, 1996.  The fourth paragraph
of that release stated "...a wholly-owned VIScorp German subsidiary
continued to operate Amiga...".  The company referred to in that
statement was Velasco GmbH. That company is not a wholly-owned
subsidiary of VIScorp although VIScorp intends to acquire it in the
near future.

 VIScorp regrets this inadvertent error and any confusion it might
have caused.

Amiga Update on the net: some issues available at:
     http://www.sharbor.com/amiga/news/ (in html format)
     http://www.amigacom.com (in ASCII text)
 All back issues available (in ASCII text) at:
Copyright 1996 by Brad Webb.    Freely distributable, if not modified.
   _    __      _     <>_   __      _     ||  
  /\\    |\    /||    ||   /  `    /\\    || Brad Webb/AmigaUpdate
 /__\\   | \  / ||    ||  || ___  /__\\   || bandr@globaldialog.com
/    \\_ |  \/  ||_  _||_  \__// /    \\_ ||  