940516 news'n'rumors {This line added when newsletter was archived.}
 A source on the GM training film group reports that the "Raptor" starts 
shipping from NewTek today, in part due to GM's needs which caused the 
timetable to be advanced. The "Raptor" is a scaled back version of the 
"Screamer" accelerator for the "VideoToaster". (Four MIPS chips in parallel
proved to be too many to handle.) This is good news to folks who enjoy the 
sort of renedered animations that spice up "Babylon 5" and "seaQuest". The 
"Raptor" will allow for much faster generation of these scenes, allowing much 
more computer animation time in the programs. Other shows like "X Files" should
benefit also.
 From Rumor Control: employees of Samsung spotted by a fairly reliable source
last week, roaming through C= HQ in WestChester, taking measurments. Maybe 
there is a possibility of a "Samigasun" in the future? Don't hold your breaths 
yet, but I'll keep you posted.