Short: BlockRage, a quite nice gem puzzle game Author: Jiri Svoboda, AmigaOS 4.0 compile by Spot / PFP Uploader: Varthall / Up Rough <varti02 hotpop com> Type: game/think Version: 0.2.3 Architecture: ppc-amigaos >= 4.0.5 O O O O o o o o o . . o . .____. _______ . ._______________________.___________ | |__ .____. ____.___________. | __ / ___ | __ /__|___ __/___|__ _ | | | __ | | |_/ / _| | |/ / ___/ | __// |___ | |_/ | | ______/|___________|____|_______|__________|_____| _____|_____ | |____| /_________| F O R .____. .________________________ _____________._____________| |__ | __ / __ /_ __ | ____/____) __/______ | |_/ / |/ / _| | __/ | | |_/ / . | ______/_____|___________________| | |____|___________/ . |____| |____| o . . o o o P R E S E N T S o o O O BLOCK RAGE [AOS4] O O PORTED BY .................... SPOT SUPPLIED BY .................. HAK TYPE ......................... GAME REQUIRES ...................... SDL Description ----------- Block Rage is a "falling-blocks" arcade game, inspired by a DOS classic. It features a two-player hotseat mode. In the future it should also feature nice graphics and sound. Notes on version 0.2.3 ---------------------- This release presents some visible improvements, notably the new tile graphics. There are also several fixes, mainly, the sound mixer will now hopefully work on big-endian machines. (greetings to Pegasos users ;-) The graphics and sound are still heavily under construction, and there is no music. Windows users might experience some bugs.