Short:        Version 2.0 Multimedia
Author:       Rolf "Pattex" Noch
Uploader:     Rolf-Pattex-Noch T-Online de
Type:         game/think
Architecture: m68k-amigaos
Action:       Pal, needs 1.4 MB on Harddisk and 2 MB Chip-Ram

    This is the new Version 2.0 !!! Better GFX und more Sound and Fun !

                         This Game is SHAREWARE !!!
                               Only 10 US-$ !
               Thats realy cheap, so pay your Share please !

Now its also absolut simple to make your own Cards. All You need is  a  good
Paint-Program and of course a registered Version of this Cardgame.
If You load Your created Cardset up to the  Aminet  under  Game/Think,  then
write  me with your Adress and it will returns a Keyfile back that make Your
Version to a registered one ! Then You dont have to pay the Share !

=============================Archiv contains================================

    Original    Packet    Ratio    Name
    --------    ------    -----    ----
       447        268     40.0%  german_jack_v2.0/
       856        375     56.1%  german_jack_v2.0/
       856        380     55.6%  german_jack_v2.0/
      5434       1470     72.9%  german_jack_v2.0/
       628        262     58.2%  german_jack_v2.0/
        11         11      0.0%  german_jack_v2.0/other5.mny
       628        269     57.1%
    270866     192234     29.0%  german_jack_v2.0/AllCards.IFF
      8774       3561     59.4%  german_jack_v2.0/Deutsch.Guide
      7563       2923     61.3%  german_jack_v2.0/English.Guide
    179244      74989     58.1%  german_jack_v2.0/German_Jack
    848404     418049     50.7%  german_jack_v2.0/GJack2
  --------    -------     -----  --------- --------
   1323711     694791     47.5%  12 files