Short:        A sexy Cardset for German Jack
Author:       Rolf "Pattex" Noch
Uploader:     Rolf-Pattex-Noch T-Online de
Type:         game/think
Architecture: m68k-amigaos


    Here comes some hot Cards with sexy Girls for my Game "German Jack" !
                    See the Details in the ReadMe-File !
    Thats a Game for small Money and low Configuration, but pretty good.

=============================Archiv contains================================

    Original    Packet    Ratio    Name
    --------    ------    -----    ----   
        628        272    56.6%
     181948      85093    53.2%    cards/HotGirls.abk
       2516       1582    37.1%    cards/
       1455        756    48.0%    cards/ReadMe
        856        377    55.9%    cards/
     170704      31344    81.6%    cards/Standard.abk
       2516        601    76.1%    cards/
    --------   -------    -----    -----------------------
     360623     120025    66.7%    7 files
