Short:        Remix of old comm. game Bubble Ghost
Author:       Anonym software
Uploader:     "SPH" <eydieux yahoo fr>
Type:         game/misc
Version:      1.3
Replaces:     game/misc/sbremix.lha
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

                       ---> What's new in v 1.3? <---

    - Bug in highscore table: new score was erasing old score without offset. Now fixed !
    - This is the ultimate version of Super Bubble remix. Have fun !

            See the guide included in the archive for further info.

                             ---> Features <---
                   - Very smooth (50 Hz),overscan and in 40 colours.
                   - A 40 levels challenge.
                   - A lot of monsters and vicious traps.
                   - A total of 8 musix and plenty of sound effects.
                   - A lot of options and a system of codes.

                           ---> Requirements <---

It runs on every amiga with a 020+ processor and 1,8 MBytes of memory.
It takes 1,2 MBytes on Hard Disk.

                             ---> The Story <---         

  Contrary to usual beliefs, ghosts aren't completly immaterial: they still have
a soul,materialised under the shape of a bubble and which follows them
everywhere. As a consequence, to escape from his castle, you (the Ghost) will
have to guide your soul by breathing into the trapped maze which stands for the

  ANONYM SOFTWARE wishes good luck to all the players who want to help the ghost
in his adventure but declines however any responsabilities in case of
psychological problems due to many important stays in the dark depths of the