Short:        1/2 player breakout game
Author:       Niels Böhm alias Mr.WC
Uploader:     agathodaemon gmx net
Type:         game/misc
Version:      1.0ß
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

Cocker is a kind of breakout game for 1 or 2 players. Simple but funny.
You can chose one out of 5 control methods.

============================= Archive contents =============================

Original  Packed Ratio    Date     Time    Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------  -------------
  278448  118252 57.5% 22-Aug-99 11:58:02 +Cocker
    2615    1040 60.2% 22-Aug-99 11:58:02 +Cocker.doc
     477     247 48.2% 22-Aug-99 11:58:02
    1122     404 63.9% 22-Aug-99 11:58:02
     628     266 57.6% 22-Aug-99 11:50:54
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
  283290  120209 57.5% 22-Aug-99 12:53:02   5 files