Short: Abu Simbel Profanation The Full Adventure Author: (S0Y) Uploader: soyajhc hotmail com (S0Y) Type: game/misc Version: 1.0 Requires: AGA, 2Mb Chip RAM + 2Mb Fast RAM, CPU 030 Minimum Architecture: m68k-amigaos >= 3.1 Distribution: Aminet ABU SIMBEL PROFANATION THE FULL ADVENTURE CREDITS: -------- Original version: VICTOR RUIZ IOS version: IVAN CERRA Amiga Version (AGA): S0Y Music and SFX: Zoltar3.1 and S0Y Loading screen: S0Y Icons for WB: S0Y Betatesters: Ferry_A1, Fireb0y, FreeMEMory, Jjsaenz1969, Justo, Ruben, 70lk13n, Zener, Zoltar3.1 Tools: Zener (RedPill) Requirements: ------------- - Normal version: Amiga AGA with 2 MB of FastMem. WARNING: if you use a WB with RTG, the game works, but it is not visible! For these cases, I recommend using a Workbench in PAL, or starting without Startup-Sequence - WHDLoad version: Amiga AGA with 4 MB of FastMem - CPU: 68030/50 or higher (YES, the requirements are high: I don't know ASM, I don't have the desire, the time, or the motivation to learn it. Whoever wants to do it in ASM to reduce the requirements, go ahead...) - A lot of patience and do not give up in the effort to reach the end... ;) This game supports cursors/joystick and a version with OPAZ keys. Keyboard (cursors/joystick): - ESC to exit to the WB - RETURN to abort the game - M to activate / deactivate music - Z / fire keep pressed for the short jump - cursor up / joystick up for long jump Keyboard (OPAZ): - ESC to exit to the WB - RETURN to abort the game - M to activate / deactivate music - O and P for left and right - Z for the short jump - A for long jump Abu Simbel Profanation is a video game developed by Víctor Ruíz and published by Dinamic in 1985 for the ZX Spectrum microcomputer. Later it was ported to the Amstrad CPC and MSX systems. In the rest of Europe it was distributed by Gremlin Graphics. Unfortunately, it was never ported to Commodore Amiga, the mythical computer that reigned in the 16-bit market. After so many years, the time has come for Commodore Amiga users to enjoy what, by many, is considered one of the most difficult video games in the history of Spanish software. I have made the game with RedPill, based on the graphic set of the iOS version (improving the dither theme and adding some new ones), and adding new animations. Some sounds are also taken from that version. The music is totally original (it can be activated / deactivated at any moment of the game with the 'M' key, just like in MSX), recalling the original MSX in some bars. I have done it based on the 'feeling' of the MSX version, which is the one I know best, implementing the movements and 'timings' of the enemies as accurately as possible, so that the sensation / game experience is as close as possible to that version. I have created the versions in Spanish and English, and in versions to launch directly from the Workbench and in WHDLoad. Here are some improvements over the original MSX and iOS game that you find in this conversion: - Aga mode (128 colors) - Ingame music - Added some non-existent graphics in the iOS version - 50 fps - Copper effects on the credits and final screen - New sounds: door opening, death scream, splash, etc. - English and Spanish versions - Icons for WB style OS4.x - And an unpublished ending in the Amiga version About the tech: --------------- All audio samples have been treated with the Amiga software SoundBox and AudioMaster IV. All graphics have been treated with the Amiga software Personal Paint and Deluxe Paint V. The splash screen was created with the Fireworks PC software, and later converted to HAM8 with the HAM Convert utility All game construction has been done with Amiga RedPill software by S0Y. Thanks to all the beta testers, specially Ferry_A1 (extraction of all graphics and sound data from the iOS version) and 70lk13n (intensive beta tester). The game is TOTALLY FREE, you can download it both on: - Aminet - My blog ( If you want to make a small donation (PayPal) to me as a thank you for this work, or to feel free to contact me at (with subject "Abu Simbel Game"), you can do so at: