Short: 2025 Carset for F1GP Author: Andy Clarke Uploader: amigaandyfc gmail com Type: game/data Version: 0.1 PST Replaces: F1GP2025Carset.lha Requires: game/edit/F1GP-Ed.lha Architecture: generic Distribution: Aminet This is a 2025 car set to be installed on Microprose F1 Grand Prix (aka World Circuit) using Oliver Roberts' F1GP Ed ( ***What's included*** The 10 active teams and their drivers from the 2025 F1 season. In-game helmets, car colour schemes, team overalls. I've included the drivers' elected race number at the beginning of their name. Calculation of driver performance based on the result of each Grand Prix. Created on a real Amiga 1200 ***How to use*** This assumes you have installed F1GP Ed. 1: Unlha this archive 2: In F1GP Ed use Load From > Datafile and navigate to 2024.f1gp. This will load the file into F1GP Ed. 3: In F1GP Ed make sure your binary (the F1GP executable) is listed in the F1GP Binary field on the front page (it will default to my path). 4: Use Save to > F1GP Binary. ***PiStorm*** Tested with a PiStorm32 Lite and F1GP runs perfectly with default settings under Emu68. In F1GP-ed, go to display and increase the frame rate to max if you can and enjoy a much smoother game! I've noticed that a wet race occurs much more often with the PiStorm added, so you may want to reduce the wet weather probability in F1GP-Ed if this affects you. Version 0.1 Pre-season Test: Tweaked liveries. Times from pre-season testing days 1,2 & 3 included in the calculation. The performance is now set to '2025 levels' by default. Maximum Engine power is set to 1000, lowest is 950. Version 0.1 Pre-season: Initial version. Includes the cars based on the 2025 car launch liveries and the driver helmets. No race data is yet included so the relative driver performance in game will not be realistic; it's set to 'Random' by default but you can change it in the game.