Short:        Optimized parallel & printer device
Author:       Jess Sosnoski (at the below address!!!)
Uploader:     starblaz ptdprolog net
Type:         driver/other
Version:      43.3
Requires:     Kick 3.x+, an 020+
Architecture: m68k-amigaos


Optimized parallel and printer.device.
NOTE:  Do _NOT_ use the printer.device replacement with os3.5+, it doesn't
have all the features that the 3.5+ printer.device has.  However, you CAN
use the parallel.device :)

Jess Sosnoski
651 Hillside Drive
Mount Carmel, PA 17851-2463

Updates will appear on my webpage before they appear in Aminet's RECENT file.

IRC nick: starblazr
On: galaxynet (amiga channels), dalnet (#miggy1)

Emails, gifts, money, food, cigarettes, Amiga4060T's will all be
gladly accepted.

The original author was Dave Jones, whom has given me permission to use
his code.