Short:        Patch for Quarterback 5.0.1 -> 5.0.2
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

This patch archive may be freely distributed as long
as all of the files of this archive are moved
together and not separated.

Files included:
   Quarterback_5.0.1  (initial patch script)
   Patch_Script       (actual patch script)
   lpatch             (Copyright by Lattice)

To patch Quarterback 5.0.1, simply move the files of
this archive into the same directory where Quarterback
is installed.  Then, execute the "Quarterback_5.0.1"
script either from the CLI/Shell, or by clicking on its
icon.  The icon says "EXECUTE TO PATCH."  After the
patching is done, you may remove the five files in this

This script will determine if you have the correct
version of Quarterback and only patch your file if it
is version 5.0.1.  If you have the 5.0 version of
Quarterback, then you need to use the 5.0 to 5.0.1

These files will patch Quarterback 5.0.1 to version
5.0.2.  The 5.0.2 version fixes reported bugs as well
as enhances the restoration of compressed backups on
floppies and removable media drives.  Because of this,
we recommend that you redo your backups on floppies
and removable media drives.

As a note:
  The file QB501-502.pch is the Quarterback 5.0.1 to
      5.0.2 patch file.
  lpatch is the file that does the patching and is
      freely distributable.

  If you would like to patch the files yourself, and
  bypass the script, you may get a synopsis of how the
  lpatch command works by typing 'lpatch' on a CLI/Shell
  prompt line by itself.  It contains the necessary
  information on how it works.

Mark Thomas
New Horizons Software, Inc.