Short: Device Intervention Layer, DEV archive Author: Rupert Hausberger <> Uploader: Rupert Hausberger <naTmeg gmx net> Type: dev/misc Version: 1.50 Replaces: dildev.lha Architecture: ppc-morphos This archive contains the developer documentation and example source code for DIL. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TITLE DIL VERSION Release 1.5 AUTHOR Rupert Hausberger <> DESCRIPTION DIL stands for "Device Intervention Layer". As the name says, it's used to intervene into a data-stream. It acts like a layer between the source application and the target device. Plugins are used to manipulate, encrypt or monitor the data. SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS MorphOS 1.x AVAILABILITY Aminet, for example: WWW: LICENSE Freeware. See Licence.txt for details. DISTRIBUTABILITY Copyright ©2004-2007 Rupert Hausberger.