Short:        Sorts executable reloc tables.
Author: (Stuart MacKinnon)
Uploader:     stuartm zip com au (Stuart MacKinnon)
Type:         dev/misc
Version:      37.1 (Initial Release)
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

    This is a program that will sort all your reloc tables. The problem is that
SAS/C, given the exact same source, will generate exactly the same CODE and
DATA hunks in an executable, but can produce the RELOC table entries in a
different order. Technically the program is the same, however if to separate
compiles of the same program need to be compared, they may not seem to be the
same. The problem is not with slink, it is to do with the code generation phase
of compilation.

    This program does NOT support overlay hunks. It does not even skip them

    Binary only.
    C source is available from me - just ask.