Short:        GUI for HGWRCS - simple & powerful v1.3
Author: (Yann Muller)
Uploader:     ymuller club-internet fr (Yann Muller)
Type:         dev/misc
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

Revision Control System (RCS) is definitely a very usefull program for anyone
who deals with many different revisions of the same files (e.g. programmers).
But... it is a CLI only program! This doesn't fit well in the graphical
environnement of the Amiga. So comes the need of an interface to use RCS from
the Workbench.

So I made EasyRCS, RCS made EASY! The program is very simple but still is very
powerful. All important functions of HGWRCS are supported:

    * Basic Check In / Check Out functions with or without lock.
    * Comment for each revision (modifiable afterwards).
    * Symbolic revision names.
    * Default revision or branch (see RCS docs).
    * Browser for the revision comments.
    * ...

New in version 1.3:
    * Huge bug fix: version 1.2 didn't work from WB due to a last minute change
      that broke the entire program.