Short:        Write Amiga run-time libraries with ease
Author: (Tom Bampton)
Uploader:     fosters dvalley demon co uk (Tom Bampton)
Type:         dev/misc
Version:      1.0
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

EasyLibrary is a set of source files to make developing a library easy.
EasyLibrary came about due to my need to have a quick and simple method to
get libraries developed. Until I wrote this I was writing libraries using
example code from Dice C, and that doesnt use autoinit or allow too well for
assembly and C functions at the same time. So, I wrote this small, fast,
autoinit generic library that I can reuse over and over. I then decided to
release this with some extensive documentation on Amiga Libraries to help
other people. 

The library created with EasyLibrary will be a standard autoinit library,
and is based upon the sample source in the RKM. The library code itself
isnt very commented, only basic comments are included. The comments in the
starter files however are quite detailed, but you will probably still need
to check back with the guide if you havent used it before.