Short:        Commodore Basic reader and converter
Author: (Janne Peraaho)
Uploader:     janne peraaho surfeu fi (Janne Peraaho)
Type:         dev/misc
Version:      1.0
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

Have you ever thought about porting your old Commodore Basic programs to
Amiga but given up the idea because getting the program listings to
Amiga-readable form would require too much effort?

Would it not be easier to port a program if the source code was plain ASCII
text instead of a mixture of tokens, characters and 16 bit integers? Yes,
it certainly would be!

And this is exactly what Basir does: it converts Commodore Basic program
files into plain ASCII text and thus allows you not only to view the
source code but to edit and annotate it as well.

Basir is a freeware [AMITY] product.